#ganke must have such long days
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milimeters-morales · 1 year ago
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almost forgot about this moment. what is his problem
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jellyfiishatr · 2 years ago
Being friends with them!!
a/n : just some friendly hang out sessions with the great spider four >_<★!!
Characters : Miles Morales / Gwen Stacy / Pavitr Prabhakar / Hobie Brown
content : headcanon / fluff / platonic / pure silliness
Miles Morales!! (Small Ganke mention!!)
☆ study sessions with these two ofcourse
☆ ^and by study sessions I mean Miles is doing work and Ganke's been done and has been playing videos games since you came over to their dorm
☆ Miles asks for help with English, and you ask for help with whatever you're missing
☆ if not study sesh, then definitely out and about spray painting a new wall
☆ ^I can imagine late night talks with him after he's finished a piece are very heart to heart, he loves to speak his mind to you and hopes you do aswell
☆ I can imagine you meeting his parents are a little nerve wracking since he's mentioned that they didn't like ganke or Gwen
☆ so you tried to be as respectful and kind to them as you possibly could (probably also kissing up to them idk I would too)
☆ if you also do art, you guys compare drawings and give eachother advice on what you need to work on
☆ ^definitely the type to steal your notes and draw in them during class
☆ ^will also steal said notes for a week and forger he has them till your banging on his door in the middle of the night before your assignments due and those notes are very much important to you
Gwen stacy!!
☆ it took a long time for her to actually consider you a friend, a lot of the time you just stayed following her and talking
☆ ^anything you said in those few months prior to her considering you a friend, went through one ear and out the other
☆ She's definitely a teaser, making fun of you in a friendly manner
☆ movie night, or weekly sleepovers at one another's house is a must with her
☆ ^she says she's into horror/action but is really into romcoms, she won't admit that outloud though
☆ I feel like she's really bad at cooking so teaching her how better her cooking skills has definitely happened once or twice
☆ ^she loves when you make her lunches, she usually buys you lunch for the next two days in return
☆ when she's playing the drums you usually sit right outside her window with headphones because she's likes to have her room shut off
☆ ^but she still wants to hang out so she makes you wait outside for about an hour till she's done and has you back inside for dinner
Pavitr Prabhakar!!
☆ Study sessions pt2!
☆ he's a straight A, top of the class student. He doesn't really need to do homework because he does it in class
☆ he does help you with yours though, especially if you're failing
☆ early morning walks, he's an early bird and makes you walk with him because "It's good for the mind!"
☆ if you're not an earlybird, you're grumbling the entire walk about how it's a "weekend" and how "you do this everyday pavitr" and how "you need to stop making me do this"
☆ he doesn't understand whatever you're trying to say and pushes you lightly the rest of the walk (that last part definitelywasnt written by pavitr, no definitely not)
☆ he loves to rant about his girlfriend, talking about how they sneaked out and went on a late night walk that week
☆ if you have an s/o you're definitely talking about them with pavitr, telling him all about them
☆ he's definitely a dog person, he always has a dog following him no matter what
☆ you guys are walking to school? There's a dog right behind you. Hanging out at his house? There's a dog right outside his bedroom window. LITERALLY IN SCHOOL?? A DOG HAS WALKED IN DURING THE MIDDLE OF CLASS AND SAT DOWN NEXT TO HIM WHILE THE TEACHER WAS AWAY
☆ ^everyone think he just has some sort of dog treats on him always but it's really from just recognizing his face from him always feeding them, such a sweetheart
Hobie Brown!!
☆ draws on your hand a lot
☆ ^you always have faded sharpie on you no matter what because of him
☆ you tease him for his accent constantly, saying "pip pip cheerio," or "ello luv." In the most horrible accent ever
☆ You have to go to protests or big government events with him, whether you're political or not he's dragging you along
☆ Always has little trinkets for you everytime you hang out
☆ hang outs in an abandoned building are a daily thing
☆ ^he's probably made you carry a big couch for him to put in a new hang out spot because he said he "knew a place."
☆ he did infact know a place
☆ the playlist guy, he's the one with fire songs to hype everyone up at rallies/protests
☆ knows how to design, outfits, or banners whatever. He knows how to do it right
☆ you'll always have heart to heart conversations with him, early in the morning, mid-day, or late at night
☆ if you ever bring up the topic, "you think we're friends in another universe?" He just looks at you and nods (I've mentioned this before in my hobie hcs)
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literallylexa · 7 months ago
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Dean! Masturbating, Death, Storyline
Dr. Monster
Saving people, hunting things, it’s the family business. During one of Sam and Dean’s hunts, they come across a small town in Oregon. “Strange” non-violent encounters happen is this town frequently, until a person is murdered. What next evil treat are the Winchesters going to battle now?
“Chapter One: “Monster Town”
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Another day. Saving people, hunting things, it’s the family business for the two hunters Sam and Dean Winchester. Sometimes the boys have a break for a couple days to a week, but that’s if they’re lucky. Most of the time the end of the world has suddenly fallen upon them, but the boys admit to getting theirselves into these situations too.
“So,” Sam begins, taking a long sip of his morning iced vanilla oatmilk shaken expresso, shaking it slightly to mix the drink back together. Dean groans. Sam looks over at him with an eyebrow raised, “In a town in Oregon, lots of people have seen strange encounters.” Sam reads, “However there are no missing persons or murders. Until just recently. A girl was found dead. Heart ripped out…Could be a werwolf.” Sam looks over to Dean in confirmation.
Dean sighs and rolls over in bed, clearly feeling tired from the long drive last night. “Another case? We just finished one.” Dean whines, covering his eyes from the rays of sunshine coming in through the small holes on the dusty motel curtain.
“Just listen. So people have been seeing weird things at night. Like for example this guy wrote that he came out of a bar, and saw a full size-standing up and everything-dog eating a cheeseburger.”
“Must have been a damn good burger.” Dean mumbles, slightly peaking interest. “What’s in that burger?”
Sam laughs, “They do have one of the best burgers on record in the area.”
“Perfect. We can eat a cheeseburger while ganking a werwolf….okay yeah let’s go.” Dean immediately starts packing his things excitingly.
The boys arrive in the late evening. “Let’s get some burgers.” Dean drives into the parking spot at the diner. “Mountain Diner.” Sam reads aloud. The town was set next to the mountains, already high in elevation. Snow tipped mountains can be spotted in the distance, along with the forrest that surrounds the town. It was a breath of fresh air, something that the city could never provide. Sam and Dean always enjoyed spots like this, calm, quiet, away from the city and everything that comes with it. However, they still have a worry about what comes out of the woods at night. As long as Baby is with them, they’re safe.
The diner smelt like beer and grilled food, almost making Dean’s mouth water from the aroma. Dean skips to the bar, with Sam trailing behind. Sam liked to see Dean this happy, after everything that’s happened, after everyone they’ve lost. Sam’s mind sometimes travels to what if they weren’t hunters anymore, what if they could stay in one town and life our their lives there. Before he thinks too much, he always snaps his head back to reality, and forces a smile.
Around 9pm the diner begins to get full. People coming in large groups ordering shots and getting drunk. Lights turn low and the music genre changes. “Guess this is the bar too.” Dean laughs, “I’m already loving this town.” Sam chuckles. “One drink won’t hurt.”
“What? Sammy wants to drink?” Dean is flabbergasted. Sam never drinks while on a case. Maybe a beer with some food but never hard liquor.
“I think it’s good to have a break every now and ya know, we can’t save the world all the time.” Sam says. Sam has been reminiscing about the past. What life was for the short period of time when he was in collage, with Jess. He’s been longing to be that happy again.
“Cheers to that.” Dean smiles, handing Sam a shot. He thinks about Lisa for a short moment before quickly downing 3 shots back to back. The liquor burned down his throat.
As the night ends, Sam and Dean decide it’s time to turn in. They will work tomorrow, finding out who’s the werwolf. As the boys are heading to Baby, a loud scream rips through the air. Even with the boys being a little drunk, they immediately snap out of it and run over to the sound, guns in hand. There lies a women on the floor with a bite mark on her neck.
“Vamps.” Sam grinds his teeth.
“thought you said it was a werwolf?” Dean raises an eyebrow.
“Not anymore.”
“Fucking vampires!” Dean throws his duffle bag onto the old motel bed. The aesthetic of this motel was actually very nice compared to previous ones. Walls were wooden, almost rustic looking. Plaid curtains cover the large window facing the woods. As they walked through the motel room, the wooden floor creaks below them.
“Yeah, tell me about it.” Sam sighs, running his large hand through his soft conditioned hair. He looks through their weapons bag. Dead man’s blood, syringes, machetes, silver bullets, and silver weapons. Seems about right.
“So first a werwolf, now a vampire. What the fuck is going on?!” Dean exclaims.
Sam’s brows furrow together, creating wrinkles on his forehead. “Maybe we should talk to the locals, they’re the ones who are only seeing things at night. I mean…all the sudden two killings back to back? That makes no sense.” The Winchesters turn in for the night, a long day of head of them tomorrow.
The boys hit up the local diner to begin the morning. Seems like at all times of the day the diner was busy. “Welcome to the diner…looks like we have some new faces here. Is it your first time visiting?” The waitress asks. Dean smiles “Yes it is. We are actually just following up on a murder, happened last night.” Sam and Dean show their badges.
“Wow the FBI is here for that? I’m pretty sure the police have already taken care of it.” The waitress continues to smile. “We never have any kind of stuff like that happen here, must have been some kind of freak accident.”
“Not too sure about that since there has been two killings in the last couple days. The boss just wanted us to investigate due to the nature of this town, weird sightings and all.” Dean smiles back. “Have you seen anything yourself?”
The waitress holds her notebook to her chest, looking up at the ceiling deep in thought. “I guess now that I think of it I do remember this one encounter. It was just a couple days ago. I was walking home one night and I seen blood on the side of the road. There, I see a large, like really large dog, wolf type of thing laying there, blood all around it. Maybe got hit by a car. Could have sworn it said help me. Like a human. Actually no I’m certain it said it.”
“A large dog?” Sam questions, “Did it look like a human or like an animal?”
“An animal, obviously.” I ended up taking him to the local veterinarian. Uh… Dr. (Y/N) if I remember correctly.”
“Then what?” Dean asks intrigued.
“Don’t know, the Doctor took the dog back and helped it….listen there is a lot of weird stuff in this town. However nothings has ever hurt us. We kinda just turn a blind eye to this kind of stuff. Everyone takes care of each other here. Nobody would kill anyone. We’ve just had some back luck recently. Freak accident.” She tries to reassure the Winchesters.
“Don’t you find it weird that two of the stories we have are both of a dog or wolf, but yet it was a vamp who murdered that girl last night?” Sam asks.
“Supernatural hotspot?” Dean inquires.
The Winchesters arrive at the animal hospital. The parking lot and lobby is dead, not a car in sight besides Baby, and a ford bronco. “Must be the Dr’s car.” Dean says. A small bell rings when they enter the hospital. A sterile smell fills the air, tiles on the floor recently waxed and cleaned. Colorful pastel walls surround them. A door behind the reception area opens, revealing a woman. “Hello, how can I help you?” The woman asks. Her (long/stort) (h/c) hair frames her face perfectly, matching her beautiful (e/c) eyes, making eye contact with Dean first. Her eyes quickly move away.
She wore (f/c) scrubs that were a little tight exposing all of her curves. Dean almost let out an audible gasp, his palms being to get sweaty, his confident demeanor loosening from the godess in front of them. You must be Dr. (Y/N)?” Sam speaks up clearing his throat since Dean was wordless. It’s not often for a woman to get Dean worked up as he is right now, just talking to her. Her voice was like music to his ears. Sexy, sweet, calming. He could listen to her talk all day long about nothing. (Y/N) slightly smiles, her soft, glossed lips touching making Dean drool imagining what those lips could do to him. “Yes I am, how can I help you?” She asks again. Dean needs to snap out of it.
“Yes uh my partner here and I are part of a wildlife rehabilitation rescue program. We had heard of an injured animal?” Dean quickly responds. (Y/N) seemed shocked, however she quickly covers her expression and puts on a smile once again. “Ah yes uh, nothing too bad of an injury, just a little scratch. They are back into the wild now, all safe and healthy.” She says a little too quick as well, almost acting like she is hiding something.
“Good to hear it is doing better. Would you be able to describe the animal for us to we can put out a watch for it?” Sam asks pulling out his notepad to write it down.
“It was a wolf. Just a typical wolf you’ll see from out these woods. You guys aren’t around here I’m assuming?” (Y/N) tries to end of the conversation, nervously twirling her hair.
“Unfortunately not. Have there been any other hurt animals? Any cattle mutilations? Or anything like that?” Dean asks, savoring the look of her. His eyes darken as he looks up and down her frame, taking in the sight of this beautiful woman. He loves a woman in scrubs.
“Stuff like that doesn’t happen here.” (Y/N) says defensively. “Do you have anymore questions for me or can I get back to my job?”
“No Doctor, that is all we needed. Thank you.” Sam smiles and nods his head. Sam and Dean end out of the hospital, looking at each other with a raised eye brow. (Y/N) let’s out a deep sigh, watching the boys get into their car and drive off.
“Hunters.” (Y/N) sighs and locks the door, picking up her phone to make a call. The encounter today with the strange men made (Y/N) nervous. She knows all the fake badges, stories, false identities, as she’s ran into these type of people before. She can take care of this town by herself, she has a special kind of help.
“The doctor is definitely hiding something.” Dean states, leaning against Baby.
Sam does the same, looking deep into thought. “What do you think? Should we wait for her to leave and look around? Who knows when there is another attack.”
“That’s wait her out. Maybe follow her home and then check the hospital out as well.” Dean explains.
In the afternoon they see Dr. (Y/N) leave. She’s out of her scrubs now, in casual denim jeans and a tight long sleeve shirt. “Here, let me check out the hospital while you follow her. I’ll call if I see anything; same with you.” Sam says, getting out of Baby with a duffle bag. Dean agrees, promising to pick him up after. Dean follows her car, she leads him to the bar and grill that he went to the night prior the murder took place. Dean watches as (Y/N) gets greeted by fellow people in the bar. He decides to play it cool and slip into the bar and go on the end unnoticed. The bar tender shares a shot or two with (Y/N) and they cheer. Dean scans the room but as he looks back at the seat (Y/N) was in; she’s gone.
“Hey, you.” A gentle tap on Dean’s shoulder makes him shudder, hearing that damn voice. Dean looks behind him and it’s the doctor. Caught him. Dean decides to play it cool.
“Didn’t want to wear your scrubs to the bar?” Dean chuckles, secretly wishing that she was.
She takes a seat next to him and waves over the bar tender. “On me.” She winks, sliding him a shot over. Dean accepts, looking at her as he takes it.
“Where’s your partner?” She asks, looking around the bar for the other man.
“Past his bedtime.” Dean laughs to himself. It really was past Sam’s bedtime.
The two continue to talk for what seems like forever. Dean almost forgot that he was on a case until he gets a phone call. “Hang on.”
“How’s it going over there?” Dean asks Sam on the phone.
“I think there’s something here. You should come over and take a look. How’s it going over there?” Sam asks.
“Not really anything. No murders yet-“ Dean stops after he hears a scream. “Shit hold on-“ Dean ends the phone call. He runs out to the outside of the bar and sees a body on the floor as (Y/N) stands over it. Dean pulls out his gun and aims it; “Hands up!” Dean yells.
“Wait!” (Y/N) yells, putting her hands in front of her, “I know you’re a hunter! You need to help me!”
“With what?-“ Dean once again gets cut off by something tackling him, trying to pin him onto the floor.
“Wait!! Wait!” (Y/N) screams at the figure. Dean notices it’s a wolf. A full on wolf. Its breath smelt like iron while its teeth snarl at Dean. The wolf whimpers looking at (Y/N) and then running away into the tree line. Dean stands up going to shoot, but it’s already gone.
“Ok what the hell is going on??” Dean questions angrily.
“We need to talk in private. There can be ears.” (Y/N) hushes Dean. “Let’s drive to the hospital.”
Dean sends Sam a quick text after 10 missed calls and text messages explaining that him and (Y/N) are about to come to the hospital. They get there after short minutes, Sam standing outside trying to look busy. (Y/N) face palms; of course the other hunter is here.
They follow (Y/N) to the treatment area in the hospital, guns loaded and ready to shoot. “Mind explaining to us what is going on? Are you a hunter as well?” Sam asks.
(Y/N) laughs- “Hunter? No, no I’m not. I’m just trying to keep my life peaceful and cordial with monsters. They saved me once ya know? So I’m trying to help them out. But there’s been a change in the last week. All the sudden they are being aggressive; killing people.”
Sam and Dean are mindblow. “I’m sorry what are you some monster doctor?” Dean jokes, not being able to imagine a remotely good monster out there.
“What do you mean by there’s been a change?” Sam asks.
“Like the wolf today. He’s a lap dog really, couldn’t hurt a fly. But he just tried to kill somebody! Happened three times now; all supernatural deaths.”
���Could someone be controlling the monsters? Monsters attacking each other?” Sam asks.
“Who could do that?” (Y/N) worriedly asks.
The new found team decides to go back to the motel for the remainder of the night as it is already almost 4 A.M. (Y/N) takes one bed while Sam takes the other and Dean is on the couch. The couch faces away from the beds not being able to see on it. Dean struggles to fall asleep that night. He couldn’t stop thinking of (Y/N). The way that her clothes fit her body so perfectly, exposing every single curve on her. His sweatpants begin to tighten as his dick pulsates. Dean knows what he’s doing is wrong but he can’t help it- and hey maybe it will help him sleep too. He hears a small sleepy moan come from (Y/N), his heart races. He peaks his head over the couch, looking at the bed she is in. The sheets are halfway off the bed. She had stripped her jeans and was in just panties- naughty girl. It’s clear that her bra was also taken off. Dean makes out her nipples slightly hard underneath her tight shirt. He begins to palm his boner, eyes rolling back as he imagines it’s (Y/N) doing it. He can’t handle being confined anymore in his sweats; he takes off his sweats and underneath in one swift motion, just barely past his upper thigh. His dick pops up, feeling free. Dean moans in relief as he strokes himself faster. He cups his balls with one hand and massages them as precum begins to slick his slit getting close. He could imagine (Y/N) stroking it with her soft hands, going up and down. He could imagine her plump lips kissing his tip, and sliding his dick down her throat, choking on it. His toes begin to curl as he gets closer to his climax, his hand movements becoming sloppy. With one more pass over his tip, his cum shoots down onto himself, covering his hands and happy trail. Dean sighs in contentment- but ultimately goes to shame. He quickly runs to the bathroom and washes himself clean of his sin- returning to go back to bed.
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qyxzun · 5 months ago
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𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐆. 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐃𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄; it was complicated yet easy at the same time. He remembered how his efforts were recognized when he was accepted into Brooklyn Visions Academy, the same private boarding school his parents had always wished for their gifted son to attend. Though it also meant changing schools and trying to fit in, Miles knew it was for the best.
His luggage was packed, and his headphones hung on his shoulders while he wore BVA's clean uniform. It was a busy day for his family, with his mom having another morning shift at the hospital while his dad was still training as a cop. Even though he was almost running late, Miles could remember how Jefferson drove him to school just like when he was still a kid.
His first days weren't easy knowing he was separated from his family or friends, with only students and teachers around. Miles struggled to meet new people since he was considered a new student coming from a public school. It felt like his peers were looking down on him despite his excellent talent for getting into a boarding school such as BVA, even months after the entrance exam. What weighed him down more was the fact he was forbidden to see his close ones after he started to share a dorm with the only person he knew in the entire school, Ganke. He never doubted he'd be a loner for the rest of his school year but seeing how the others blended in with their other friends made him feel like he was falling behind them...
A few weeks later, a private technological campus that sponsored BVA's academic decathlon and funded its' studies began scouting out internships for only a tiny number of gifted kids. It was rare to receive such a choice yet surprisingly, one of the people who were handed out an internship was Miles himself. He was puzzled, wondering if it was false information until his professor confirmed it wasn't. He didn't seem so excited since he always thought Physics was an easy subject but he still accepted the internship.
He remembered the first moments of the tour around the Alchemax. While passing by numerous laboratories, a figure with H/C hair caught his attention in one of them. She had a lab coat that matched his and the scientists working in the research company, distinct E/C eyes that Miles couldn't even remember staring at for so long. He saw her once in a lab surrounded by various testing devices and machines yet all he could do was watch and follow his guide around the Alchemax. His feet seemed to be moving on their own after he ignored his tour guide and stepped inside your lab.
You were paying attention to the small test subject in front of you with an earbud blasting your favourite music into your ear until you flinched when someone touched your shoulder. You almost dropped the needle you were holding if it weren't for the person catching it swiftly. You turned around and saw him holding the syringe out for you.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you.." He said before gently placing the sharp tool on your desk with care. He had black braids and glasses that he tucked into his lab coat. He cleared his throat, a little nervous.
"It's okay," you responded with a half-smile. He noticed how your pretty eyes trailed down underneath his lab coat before you noticed Brooklyn Visions Academy's logo on his uniform.
"Oh cool, you're a BVA student too?" You asked to which he seemed to nod eagerly.
"Yeah.. was offered an internship so I figured why not join?" Miles responded before you hummed. He couldn't help but also notice the slight height difference between the two of you. Maybe if you jumped a little you would've matched his height but here you were, with your E/C orbs just looking up to his brown ones.
"Oh that's cool, you must be really smart at science.." you complimented while he nodded and shortly hummed out a 'thank you'. He was about to ask how you a question until his guide suddenly appeared, tapping her finger on your semi-transparent glass walls. You both looked at her at the same time before she recognized you and flashed you a smile.
"I see our new recruit is making friends already!" Dr. Olivia spoke as she entered the room and patted Miles' shoulder. She lifted her glasses to her voluminous hair before she continued. "How's Miles like Y/N?" She eagerly asked, looking down at you. Y/N, it was a nice name, Miles could admit.
"Oh— we just met, Doc.." you responded before the scientist hummed and nodded.
"I'm sure the two of you would get along fineeee. Besides, the two of you go to BVA," Olivia reassured and smiled. After that, she turned her focus back to him and let go of his shoulder.
"Alright Morales, time to continue the tour," She said before walking out of your lab, expecting the teen to follow her.
Miles' expression seemed to dim yet after looking back at you, his mouth turned to a smirk. "See you around Y/N?" He suggested, your name slipping out his lips felt new and sweet. He saw how your natural smile beamed before you spoke.
"Yeah, good luck with Liv Miles," you responded, leaning your head against your palm on the desk.
If it weren't for Olivia calling him again, Miles would've forgotten and stayed beside you. He left with his hands in his pockets before closing your lab door gently. Y/N, what a pretty name.
After a few days into the internship, you and Miles began working together on the new project called the Super Collider with Dr. Olivia and a few other scientists. The other interned students from BVA unfortunately had to quit after the company chose their new assistants for the project which was to both of your surprises, you and Miles.
Miles could admit that he was chosen through luck and effort. But you? He was beyond impressed by your work. Before the selection, he watched and learned how efficient and quick you were at any task handed to you. It was no surprise that you were Dr. Olivia's first choice as her assistant. You could balance both your internship and your studies for BVA so impressively, that even Miles started to depend on you whenever he had exams. It helped your friendship blossom beautifully when you tutored him, but Miles knew it could grow into something more special.
After his internship, Miles would often visit his Uncle Aaron whenever he had free time to catch up. Their conversations were mostly about sports or common interests yet after meeting you, his uncle could notice how his eyes would light up or how he would be more passionate whenever his new friend (crush) named Y/N was brought up.
Aaron once teased Miles about his new love interest yet all his nephew could do was try to hide the truth with a flustered blush on his face.
"Stop playin' man, it's nothing like that. She's a friend," Miles would say before his attention turned back to his phone for the fiftieth time, checking if you had finally reacted to the message he sent you ten minutes ago. He was well aware you were still working at the Alchemax but he couldn't contain his impatience to see your reaction. He chuckled and gave Miles a playful punch on the shoulder.
"You a simp now Miles?" Uncle Aaron teased again while Miles looked away. It honestly didn't take long for him to know he was crushing on you hard since he always talked about you during his visits. But hearing him brag about you started to tire him.
So being the wingman he was once to his brother Jeff for Rio Morales, he decided to do the same to his nephew.
"A'ight, a'ight.. here's how you talk to her," Aaron says as he catches his nephew's attention, his brown eyes looking back to his in curiosity.
"You go up to that girl, hand on shoulder.." He demonstrated as he placed his palm on Miles' shoulder before looking back at him, his voice lowered while he held a neutral smirk and a nonchalant gaze. "Hey,"
Miles couldn't even hold his laughter in after he saw his uncle. "You serious wit' me Uncle Aaron?" Miles chuckled before it was Aaron's turn to laugh. " 'm tellin' you man, it's science!" he grinned.
Miles playfully rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to his phone after talking to his uncle. He tried to hide his excitement but a wide grin spread across his face, almost making him look like an idiot. You finally responded.
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"Mami, your fingers're so soft.. but damn you're gripping my hair too hard.." Miles chuckled, his head between your thighs while his hefty palms gently caressed them slowly. You were sitting down on the edge of his bed wearing his jersey while he rested on the floor with your thighs on his shoulders comfortably. Your hands worked their magic on his hair as you were braiding it efficiently fast but a little painful.
"Says the one who wanted twisted locks but decided to switch up after I finished one half..." You pout before pulling on his curly hair and sectioning it with the thin comb Rio lent you. She was the one who taught you how to do Miles' hair whenever she was busy. It took some practice to do his hair but after a few weeks, Miles started relying and asking you to do his hair for him. Besides, being in the arms of his love always cheered him up.
You parted sections of his scalp with ease as you continued to braid his hair. He was on his phone, surprisingly quiet while he gently massaged your outer thigh with another hand. You didn't seem to mind but usually, he'd make some snarky joke that'll leave the two of you laughing in each other's arms.
Once you were done and placed the silky Byzantium-coloured durag over his head, you tilted his chin up to look up at you before kissing his cheek. "Done.!" You beamed in satisfaction before you cupped his face, grazing over his cheekbones as your eyes met his brown ones. Miles turned off his phone, staring into your eyes that were slightly covered by some strands of your hair.
It seemed silent for a bit until he smiled back at you and moved bits of your bangs apart gently to catch a look at your E/C eyes, the same pair he fell in love with when he first met you.
"I luv you so fuckin' much, y'know that ma?" Miles said, catching you off guard by his sudden affection. He held your hand in place on his cheek, keeping it still. "Todo mio bébé.." He whispered, his lips pressing a languid and sloppy kiss against your palm. You began to blush profusely while he laugh at your adorable reaction.
Seeing you so red and flustered was something he enjoyed so much about you. He gripped your hand tighter before you did the same. With a little nudge, Miles helped you plop down next to him on the bedroom floor while holding his hand up for support like how a gentleman would.
Being quiet was definitely out of character for the two of you but seeing your bashful blush turn to a gentle smile made him smirk more. He dropped your hand on his lap before he wrapped a hand around your waist, his palm shifting to your hip while his chin leaned against your soft hair he always loved to play with.
"I love you too Miles.." you mumbled, tilting your head up to meet his gaze as he smiled. Miles then kissed the middle of your forehead before his lips trailed down further. The lower he went, the more sloppy his kisses were. "Te amo más mi amor,"
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Miles stood against the jagged, barbed edges of the rooftop next to his apartment while the cold wind bit through his thin black hood. His gaze was fixed on the mural he painstakingly spray-painted in memory of his dear deceased dad. Though it was painted with vibrant colours, the rain and atmosphere around Miles were nothing like the mural. The loss of his father made a hollowing hole in his heart that he impossibly couldn't fill.
His hood offered little to no protection from the torrential rain but it wasn't the rain that had left his face streaked with wetness. His tears were running down, if it was even possible he had any left to shed. Every bottle of spray paint beside the mural was a reminder of his efforts to make this portrait and the father he had lost. The pain of his absence affected him with each passing moment as the rain continued to trickle down on him.
Miles could only lay his head down as he tried to mask and soothe the painful anguish he was experiencing. It hurts, it hurts too much. His knuckles were turning white from how tight he was gripping the fabric inside his pockets. This deep sensation wasn't something he could bear at all, the grief and sorrow he was experiencing were clouding any thoughts of optimism he once had. Looking back at the mural hurt even more than getting stabbed, his eyes would feel like burning before he tried to suppress more tears from flowing yet he always ended up failing. He felt like a child, a hopeless one, someone with no worth. His father would most likely disagree, but his reassurance would be in vain now that he's somewhere else, far away from his family...
Without even knowing, Miles suddenly felt a gentle touch he could recognize despite his back facing the person. He turned around and saw you, your eyes red and tired while your hair was slightly messy under the hood from one of his jackets you borrowed again.
"Miles..." you whispered, your voice tinged with sorrow as you stepped before him, hoping to meet his eyes. He deliberately avoided your gaze, knowing damn well that facing you would only shatter his heart more. Seeing you so woeful and worried for his well-being made him feel at fault for your tears and his dad's decease. You wanted to tell him it wasn't his fault at all, and that he wasn't alone on this one but no words could even escape your mouth further. You were also affected by his dad's loss. He was someone who accepted you into their family as well as for dating his loveable son, and for that, you were forever grateful.
Jefferson had so many dreams he longed to see come true - the hopes of watching you and Miles proudly accept your diplomas, then someday walking you down the aisle as you exchanged vows with his son. And in his wildest, most cherished fantasies, he imagined growing old beside Rio, their hair gradually turning grey as they doted on their future grandchildren, their laughter and joy filling their home.
Knowing Jefferson would never be able to witness those shared milestones was a curse bestowed by Destiny itself.
You tried to cup Miles' face with benign but he looked further away, the guilt was eating him up painstakingly like torture. You widened your eyes at his defiance but nonetheless decided to back your hands away, respecting his privacy. What caught you off guard was when he suddenly wrapped his arms around your waist in a grip so desperate and unyielding - nothing like the warm, gentle hugs he'd given you before. When you tried to pull away, his hold on you only tightened, as if the thought of letting you go would mean losing you forever, like death would come and steal you from him like it did to his dad. The mere idea of you slipping away was absolutely agonizing, if he couldn't bear his dad's death, how could he bear yours?
"Y/N.. prometeme algo.." Miles murmured with his voice muffled against your shoulder before you hummed in curiosity. He breathed in your smell on his jacket, finding it wonderfully addictive before his head pulled away to finally meet your gaze. Another tear slipped from your eye but he gently wiped it off with his calloused finger, your kissable cheeks shouldn't be stained with tears...
"You gotta promise you'll never leave me, a'ight.?" He whispered as he gently ran his fingers through your hair and held you close by the waist, not wanting to let go. He then placed a soothing kiss against your forehead and pulled you impossibly closer. He didn't know what came over him but he began kissing your smooth cheeks and lips tenderly, practically devouring you with his mouth. The more he kissed you, the more he seemed to crave it like he was obsessed with the feeling of your skin against his lips. He couldn't help it at all, something about you kept pulling him closer. No matter how hard he tried to continue where he left off, the addictive feeling would always be superior.
"I couldn't save my dad..." Miles mumbled, his tone slightly darkening.".. Pero si tú también te vas, moriría de mierda.. (But if you leave too, I'd fucking die.)" he declared before he slowly began leaving more kisses on your face. His fingers gripped your jaw and made you look up to kiss him back while he placed his hand on your back, pushing you towards him.
You were a bit baffled by his extreme words but kissed him back. Your lips were soft and slow as you expected him to go the same pace as you, yet he was getting desperate, even trying to use his tongue against yours. When you felt like pulling away, he would only grip tighter. It wasn't until you whimpered that he let you breathe. Out of breath and bothered by such an intense kiss, you started to realize how far he'd go to protect you from any dangers from now on.
With a reassuring gentle kiss that contradicted his obsessive passion, you nodded. "I promise Miles.."
You were unaware of the consequences that promise led you to until now.
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"Just text 'em you're stayin' over wit' me again ma," Miles repeated the same sentence for almost the fifteenth time it started to annoy you. You were both in his room, with you on the floor folding your clothes and shoving them inside your bag while he looked down at you with his hands in his pockets and an unfazed expression on his face.
"Miles, I haven't seen my family for almost an entire week," You sighed before zipping your bag close. "I need to get home, Mom and Dad're already pissed off." You responded as you stood up from the floor. After making sure you didn't forget any of your belongings, you were about to open his door and leave until Miles grabbed your wrist and pulled you back.
"You're leaving looking like that?" Miles scowled, eyeing your outfit. You looked confused as you were just wearing such simple clothing; a shirt, a pair of pants with little accessories and shoes. "Yeah?"
"Ma, you can't be fuckin' serious." he scoffed before an irritated look appeared on your face. You were about to pull your wrist away but his hand left to hold your hip. "You look like you wanna get laid outside," Miles commented as he pulled the shirt up to cover more of your shoulder yet it always ended up sliding down and revealing your collarbone he was just kissing hours ago. Funny his attitude changed for the worse.
"This shirt's ass, change." He ordered with a nonchalant tone. On the other hand, you were baffled.
"Miles- it's not even revealing," You responded, insulted by his words. "What, do you think other guys will hit on me again?" You scoffed as you crossed your arms and looked away.
"Y'know damn well it's not about that," He hissed. Miles then turned to face you, making sure you'd look right back at him with no distractions. "There're fucking rapists and criminals in this city but you're too goddamn blind to notice that, do you? Always flaunting your ass around like a ho," He scowled before you widened your eyes. You felt an ache in your heart as your exasperated glare turned to a self-conscious narrowed stare. But you knew better than to look weak in front of him.
"What the fuck is your problem?" You gave him a dirty look. "Ever since Uncle Jeff died, you've been acting so goddamn manipulative! You control what I do every single fucking time that you can't even let me go back home!" You exclaimed until his annoyed expression turned to one of indignation.
"Oh, so you're fucking bringing up my dad now huh? How petty can you damn be Y/N?!" Miles shouted before he grabbed your wrist and painfully tugged on it after you opened the door to leave again. He slammed the door shut so loud that Rio, who was in the living room resting after a long shift of work, wondered what the hell was happening.
"I'm telling you to change because I fucking care if you're in danger, but you're bitchin' about how I'm manipulative?!!" He shoved you away from the door, almost making you tumble while he towered over you, a look of disdain present on his face. "If you actually loved me, you would be listening 'cuz I know what's best for you. You just don't fucking see it."  His words left you with an aching heart that grew worse.
"I do—! How can't you see that..?!" You asked but cut yourself off as your words began to collapse. "I try my best to comfort you, stay by your side and give you all of my attention even when you're at your lowest when Uncle Jeff died, but I'm suddenly the wrong one 'cause I just want to see my family again.?! What type of sick shit are you smoking Miles?!" You yelled, tears started to build up in your eyes but you tried to hide them by wiping the streaks excessively.
Miles' expression remained the same; detached and irritated. Your sobs caused little to no guilt for him as they fell upon deaf ears. In fact, the only thing that changed was how his glare intensified while he looked at you like you were spitting nonsense. You clearly didn't understand anything at all. You didn't know how dangerous the world was and how he was clearly right. Your words only fueled his anger like gasoline.. but the streaks of tears on your face, vividly reminded him of his past that he never dwelled on until now. Your stupid tears, so sensitive and fucking annoying.
"Stop calling him Uncle Jeff, he's dead Y/N." Miles asserted before he sighed in annoyance while he held his temple. "You of all people should know how I felt when he died but judging by your words, you fucking don't." He glared before you looked back at him, your expression full of confusion and worry.
"Y'know.. arguing wit' you is always so fucking stupid that I start to wonder, how can I dumbass like you ever made it to the Alchemax.." He belittled with a scowl on his face. You could feel more tears building up but he made no effort to show any remorse at all.
You watched him walk around his room to pick up the small objects you recognized as your gifts for him. He began tossing them in your direction while you hopelessly picked them up.
"Take your shitty ass gifts and leave. Don't come back." Miles hissed with contempt. You could only look back at him, your head slightly shaking like you were pleading him to stop but he only looked away, avoiding your teary expression that resembled an abused hopeless puppy.
With nothing else to say, you left his room with your stuff, sobbing as you left. You avoided Rio's worried look on you from the living room before you quietly closed their front door. The walls were normally soundproof but after your argument with Miles, she started to doubt that was the case. She could hear almost everything but decided not to butt in. It wasn't any of her business to be a referee between your relationship but she cared deeply for you despite the fact she was only your mother-in-law.
After you left, Rio slowly got up from the couch and walked towards Miles' bedroom. The door was slightly open and she could hear quiet sobs inside. Anxious, she entered to check up on her crying son. He was sitting on his bed while a shaky sigh escaped his lips, trying to conceal his runny tears from his mom. When he knew he couldn't, Miles covered his tears with his palm, his eyes red from crying like yours. "Joder, la cagué... (Fuck, I screwed up..)"
Rio approached him before she sat down beside him on his bed. She looked around his messy room filled with the gifts she recognized from you. Each present was a symbol of the love you gave for Miles but he carelessly threw them away. Her attention turned back to him when he picked one up, specifically a camera with its' lens shattered from the fall. Fortunately, it could still turn on.
Miles went through the photos captured by the camera, they were mostly you and him hugging, sharing precious moments like your first Valentine's Day with him, or even his birthday. Each photo showed complete love and affection, unlike today. He gripped the camera tighter, trying to suppress more tears from flowing but how could he when he lost the only person who cared for him, from a petty argument over what she was wearing?
"Miles.." Rio caressed his shoulder, calming his sobs down. "Sé que podrías estar enojado... (I know you might be angry), but fighting Y/N because of your frustrations isn't good.." She spoke while she had a worried look on her face. His head was still facing down but she knew he was listening. "You only have me, her, and your Uncle Aaron.. don't push her away," She said before cupping his cheek and pinching it with her hand as a way to cheer him up. He sniffled but allowed it to happen, making Rio softly chuckle.
" 'm sorry you had to get involved mama.." Miles apologized quietly, covering his eyes with his hand shamefully. Rio's small moment of laughter soon died down.
"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to Miles," she admitted, slowly taking her hand off his shoulder.
"Si acaso, ella merece más tu disculpa que yo.. (If anything, she deserves your apology more than I do..)" The curly-haired woman responded. It was only a few moments before Miles looked back at her, she could read from his guilty expression how she was right. "Make it up to her Miles.." Rio mumbled before she left his room, leaving him alone to ponder and self-reflect.
Thinking back to what you said, you weren't completely wrong. Miles started to admit he actually was manipulative, he was just so blinded by possessiveness and the danger in the city that it wasn't until the end of the argument that he finally opened his eyes and realized he was controlling you. His hand travelled to his chest, gripping it tightly when he felt a painful ache after he put your feelings into thought. He couldn't even imagine how hurt you must've been after his behaviour. He knew you strived for a healthy relationship but just now, he realizes it was deteriorating.. all because of him.
Miles' attention shifted back to the camera, pressing the buttons as he scrolled through its gallery. His breath hitched when he saw his favourite photo of you together. To anybody, it wouldn't mean so much but it had a special place inside him. It was a semi-blurry picture with your arms around his shoulders while the back of his head was against your chest. You beamed beautifully with your smudged lipgloss on your lips while Miles had kiss marks all over his face. Every photo he scrolled past left him an empty void inside his heart that he couldn't fill. It just grew worse the more he looked. Even when he decided to put the camera down, his untidy room scattered with your presents just showed how much of a jackass he was.
Letting out a deep, exhausted sigh, he slowly and gently picked them up, handling them with the utmost care. His heart sank as he meticulously placed them back in their designated spots, his brows furrowed with concern, hoping he wouldn't accidentally jostle or harm them any further.
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A week and three days ever since the argument. Miles had been counting. He gave you a few days to leave you alone, to finally spend time with your family while he made sure they were safe from any dangers from the city by killing any criminal who dared to harm them. His gauntlet's claws would pierce through their organs and freshly pluck them out like they were fruits. Ever since Jefferson's death, the crime rate was growing higher non-stop as no one would be even safe to go outside anymore. But Miles made sure you were safe and sound despite his ways of protecting you were questionable. He had lots of regrets in life but refusing to tell you he was the Prowler was one of them. He wished to tell you now but knew he had to respect your privacy.
Fuck.. he'd been neglecting you for so long that he forgot it was a necessary boundary.
After a few more days, Miles was expecting to find you after class in the Alchemax for the Super-Collider project again but when he entered your lab, you weren't there. It was strange. You'd usually be early.. were you still avoiding him? It was okay actually- perfectly acceptable but.. he felt like he hadn't seen you in ages... He looked back at his phone, checking if you called him back or responded to any of his messages.. or at least read them.
30 unread messages & 9 missed calls...
and counting..
Miles gripped his phone tighter, worry etching on his face behind his distorted Prowler mask as he stood on top of a skyscraper where he'd usually clear his thoughts. His stomach churned, something was definitely not right.
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"N-No.. ma please.." Miles ran to your unconscious body despite his ankle being sprained after fighting his nemesis KingPin, the bastard who funded the Super-Collider Project. He fell beside you, placing your head on his lap for comfort while he moved any hair blocking your vision. Your eyes were barely open and you couldn't breathe properly. He didn't want to see you like this, not after the days you weren't together. He cupped your cheek, careful not to slice your once soft skin with his rough and sharp gauntlet. It was like he was holding a beautiful sculpture that could break any moment if touched wrongfully.
After your sudden disappearance and lack of answers from his text messages and calls, Miles began searching for you as he thought for the worst. His suspicions were correct once he found you at KingPin's lair where he planned to use you like you were fodder for the Super-Collider, the same project you were so passionate about that backfired completely on you. Miles managed to save you just in time but after all the injuries your body suffered through, he could only hope you had enough willpower to survive.
"Y/N, Y/N.. baby listen to me.." Miles whispered, hastily taking off his gauntlet and holding your face gently. He tilted your head to meet his eyes that showed worry and guilt, unlike the arrogant expression you last saw him with.
"Miles.." you softly murmured, your voice barely audible. He held you closer, hugging you as he kept in thought to not suffocate you with hugs right now. You winced while he reassuringly kissed your forehead. "Shh.. shh.. baby, don't talk right now.. Keep your energy," Miles' voice came out as shutters. He looked at your tired expression to which he chuckled weakly, forgetting the situation in hand for a split second. "How could you be so fuckin' beautiful every time?"
He tried to light up the tension but he started to realize from your emotionless expression how you were barely alive. He carefully picked you up but soon fell back down thanks to his goddamn ankle. He felt your hand grip his shirt, catching his attention.
"I-I can't move..." You whispered but Miles quickly responded. "I'm not leaving you.." He quickly said but you only gripped on his shirt tighter. He couldn't even bear to look back at you, knowing your pained expression would kill him too. "Miles please..." You begged quietly as tears began to form in your eyes.
"My bones are shattered... I can't even b-breathe properly—" You tried to explain but your chest began to heave more, catching his attention. He was about to respond yet seeing your teary orbs left him quiet. "I-I'm sorry Miles.." You whispered before whimpering in pain when your chest burned inside. You tried rolling out of his grip but he ended up holding you tighter, not caring if he hurt you.
"You're not leaving me Y/N.." Miles mumbled as tears began to form in his eyes like yours. His teeth clenched in frustration. He held you even closer, burying his nose into the crook of your neck.
"Don't you remember our promise babe?" Miles whispered with his tone softer than before. He relished your warmth as a tear slid down his cheek. "You're gonna keep that fucking promise okay?" He spoke, his voice becoming shaky.
"I-I don't know.." you sighed. You didn't want to hide the truth from him now that your final moments were before you. Miles shook his head no, refusing to accept such an answer. His hands trembled in intense fear but he gripped you tighter. He's not going to let you die, you were supposed to die beside him peacefully decades later, not now.
"N-No, you don't mean that." He stuttered while he embraced you fully. More tears slipped out but your soft hand wiped them away. He cherished your warmth like it was a rare fire in a freezing winter while you looked back at him with a sorrowful look on your face.
"I'm— so sorry... I didn't listen to you at all.." you whimpered, wiping away more of his tears with your finger. "You were right.. this place is fucked up... I-I hope you can forgive me.." You mumbled before you hissed in pain when your injuries grew unbearable.
"S-Shh.. now's not the time for that okay Y/N.?" Miles shook his head before he kissed your forehead. "I-I'm gonna take you to the hospital- a-and the doctors'll heal you. Just please keep your eyes open f'me.. just do that a-and I'll forgive you, alright?" He smiled reassuringly but it was obvious that he only masked melancholy.
"J-Just promise me something Miles.." you whispered, your eyelids were slowly becoming heavy yet you still looked up at him now that you had his attention. "You'll keep living.. for me, for Aunty Rio and Uncle Aaron okay..?" You spoke before his eyes widened by your words.
"I love you.. so much Miles... please just promise me that.." You muttered while you gently caressed his cheeks, your movements were getting slower as seconds passed. Miles nodded in response, a shaky 'I promise' leaving his lips before you smiled once more.
Your eyes started to flutter close as your hand left his cheek to fall beside you. Miles began to panic. "N-No— no, no, no.. baby please..." He sobbed, trying to wake you up as he just assumed you were tired. But once he checked your pulse, he realized one of his dreadful nightmares had come to life.
No matter how many times Miles would try to rewrite your faith, it would always end up the same. Your death in his arms, his dad's passing... yet those were only a few of his canon events, the cruel events he was destined to go through alone. They were all equally awful but your decease drove him to his breaking point. It was like life was entirely worthless with no colour or joy without you. His heart would never be the same as your death left a wound that will never heal. It made him realize how cruel life was.
He'd never be able to find someone to replace you, he'd never be able to share wonderful moments with you that covered his eyes from this fucked up world, he'd never feel your warm and soft touch he loved so much. Without you, all was hopeless.
Every blade he came across created more lines on his wrists. He had gotten so used to it by now the pain became numb. His arms would bleed out pools of crimson that one time he almost reached his arteries and passed out, not until he had to patch himself up every time he was reminded of the promise you made.
If he broke it now or ever, it'd be like he was pissing over your grave. He'd swear he'd never cut again but a minute later, he'd be relapsing when he remembered your crying face. It was almost pure torture for Miles, both physically and emotionally.
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"You didn't answer my question," Miles G. scowled at him, pressing the sharp gauntlet further into his cheek, making Miles grunt in pain. The spider-man's eye twitched, trying to move his head away but the more he moved, the more his counterpart pressed the blade-like claw further into his flesh.
"S-She's my friend! She's also a spider-woman.! From another dimension at least.." Miles admitted before he sighed in frustration, trying to get him to hear him out. "Listen, just let me go before things get worse. I have to save our dad... please," he pleaded, emphasizing the 'our' so he might have some pity for him yet Miles G. only glared at him like he was nothing but dirt.
"You walk in my home and pose around like you're sum imposter, why should I let go of you?" He asked.
"'Cause I'm literally you! Why can't you understand that.?!" Miles asked with impatience. He started getting desperate, he needed his counterpart to understand. "I'm spider-man alright? And there's other spider-men- or a bunch of me's! One of 'em was Miguel and he learned how to teleport or something- from different dimensions so that's how we all met each other.." he explained frantically before he continued.
"I was bit by a radioactive spider and that gave me powers to protect other people from my own world- but it wasn't supposed to bite me! It was supposed to bite someone else.. someone here." He explained in a frenzy before his twin's eyes widened.
"It was supposed to bite someone here?" Miles G. repeated while the spider-man slowly nodded. He watched how he pulled his gauntlet away from his bleeding cheek. Miles was confused as to why he suddenly retracted until he spoke. "You're the reason for this?"
"So someone could've saved them.. Y/N.. dad.." The prowler murmured under his breath, looking down at his palm while Miles' expression softened. Though his tone was low, he could hear him. He felt his heart ache a little when he realized how rough his counterpart's life had been when there was no spider-man to protect his city at all. What he thought was a sorrowful look turned out to be an angered one.
Miles' look of sympathy soon turned into confusion when he saw how his gauntlet turned a brighter colour as if it was charging up. He looked back at his twin, his glare sending shivers down his spine. "W-Wait wait wait, c'mon man-" he stuttered as the prowler had a death stare settled on him. With his arms still tied up against the punching bag, Miles tried to activate his venom strike but his actions seemed futile when he couldn't even feel the electric currents in his palms. He thought he was over with until his counterpart spoke again.
"You said you had to save Y/N," Miles G. said while Miles only looked back at him, perplexed.
"Yeah.." he muttered.
The prowler sucked the inside of his cheek as he was in deep thought. Y/N, Y/N, Y/N.. the name kept repeating in his head non-stop. Just as he was about to slowly improve his health for you despite your passing, his other version had to show up and ruin his progress. His counterpart had no idea how painful your death meant to him but hearing how he was planning to save you felt like a repeat of the past. Miles G. couldn't even trust him fully yet he knew if he prevented him further, it might be too late for you. Not wanting to experience your death for the second time, the prowler did something unexpected.
With a swift cut by his gauntlet, Miles suddenly fell on his feet while the broken chains around him collapsed on the ground next to the punching bag. He sighed in relief when he could finally move his body without restraint before he looked back at his counterpart. "Don't get the wrong idea cabrón, I'm not lettin' you go 'cause I feel bad for you," He grunted while Miles just chuckled a little nervously.
"You're lucky my time's better spent on saving Y/N," Miles G. scoffed.
for the readers who don't know certain characters' names, they often get confused, so here's brief information for each of them. ___________________________
   - 🕸️ Olivia Octavius: the head scientist and CEO of Alchemax, working under KingPin. Her extraordinary project led to multiple deaths, including Y/N's. She is addressed as Liv to close friends.
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silent-raven13 · 8 months ago
A boi!
Now, everyone knows Billie loves her big brother, Miles, she basically his number one fan. When she came to this world, she remembers his warmth, his kind words and his bright smile. Something about that just click to her, that she loves so much. She loves that he's always around for her, always loving her, always being there! No matter what she's always happy to be his little sister.
Especially when he's Spider-man! A great hero, always risking his life to save those in need. When he took her around during his normal patrol as Spider-man. She knew, even for being so small, she knew this is a secret she will have to keep! For being responsible, and a protector of her Big Bro's secret identity, it is a great duty for her to keep.
However, her loyalty can go so far...
It's a beautiful day in Brooklyn, the weather is perfectly nice because it's Spring and the breeze is nice. Three year old, Billie chilling on her dad's armchair while watching her Doc McStuffin, she suckled on her pacifier as she enjoyed her show.
Her big brother being busy with sweeping the floor, he wore a tank top and shorts with some flip flops as he cleans the house. Miles wanted to help his parents out by cleaning the remaining chores, he spend the day with laundry, washing dishes, organizing the family's inventory closet. Now he wanted to sweep, and mop before putting new sheets on his parents' bed. "Boo-boo, you want a snack?" He wipe the sweat off his forehead, then check his gizmo to see the time.
"No..." Billie shook her head, she still was full from breakfast.
"Okay, Łęt me know when you're hungry or thirsty." Her brother said while he continues to sweep the floor.
She kept watching her show, after thirty minutes the doorbell rang. Miles went to the front of the door, "That must be him." He said to himself.
The little girl assume it's Hobie, which she got her web-shooter ready. It's weird that her brother's boyfriend would come through the front door like that. Doesn't he always come out of a big magical portal? She stood on the big comfy recliner glance over to the hallway, hearing her brother talking to another boy?
Miles opens the door to find one of his high school friends, Judge coming by to drop something off for him. "Hey, man. Long time no see!" He gave his friend a quick hug.
"Hey, my dude. What's up! You know, working, school and keeping the ladies in check." Judge said, he hold a bag, "Oh here you go, man. I hope you like it. It's a bit jack up."
"Nah, it's good." Miles happily look in the bag to find the action figure, "I know how to repair it and it'll be a great gift for Ganks. Hey, you wanna come in."
"Sure, man. Been awhile since we hung out." Judge playfully wrapped his arm around his high school friend's shoulders, "Ay, man. You gotten so tall!"
"Pfft, you too. You act like you're 5'4"." Miles jokes as he shut the door as they came down the hallway.
Billie peaks over being more confused, "Who's dat?"
Miles turns to find his baby sister standing on the armchair, "Hey, Boo-boo. This is Judge. You remember him?"
"Wow, she gotten so big. I highly doubt she remembers me." Judge chuckles.
That's right, Billie doesn't remember him. Then again, she never cared about other people beside her big brother. She looks up to study Judge is a dark skinned male with glasses. He wore so expensive shirt, jacket, jeans and Jordans with some short dreads. He smiles at her, "Hey, Billie. Been a long time!"
"Hi..." She reached out to her big brother being nervous with this random stranger. She had no clue who was this was. "Mmm!" She whines at Miles.
"What's wrong, Billie? Awe, don't be scared. You met Judge. He's a great guy!" Miles calms her down by picking her up giving her hugs and kisses on her forehead. "Sorry, I guess she doesn't know you."
"It's alright, man. She was a little baby when I saw her, haha. I'm not surprise she doesn't remember me." Judge chuckles before adjusting his glasses. "Anyway, man. What's up with you? I heard you and Ganks are at Columbia."
"Yeah, man! That place is great." Miles put his sister back at the armchair before taking Judge to get him a drink, "You want some soda? Also, I heard you went to Japan! That's so cool!"
"Yup, I went three times. I'm planning to go to aboard for a class." Judge grins widely, "It's great to visit tho. I dunno about living there, tho..."
Billie watch the two as she suckle her pacifier, she didn't like how show off-y the stranger was. Maybe she didn't know him too well, and she knows she shouldn't judge him. Still, her guts was telling her, "What about Hobie? Does he know this man?"
She watches them seeing her brother sitting close to his friend after serving his a glass of soda. Judge kept talking on and on about his journey to Japan, while Miles' eyes gleam with wonder.
The three year old went back to watch her show, she accidentally stepped on the remote control changing the channel to a Spanish Soap Opera.
"I'm sorry José, but I've been cheating on you with Juan!" The woman in a red dress dramatically said to her boyfriend. "We been talking about old times and fallen in love."
Billie slowly sat down as she watches her mom's favorite show. "Hmm?" She suckled her pacifier with her head tilt.
"But Maria, we been together forever. My love for you burns like a thousand suns. My heart is real, my passion is raw for you!" José said being heartbroken.
Juan smirks with his handsome charm as he did a dramatic chuckle, "Ahahaha! I stolen your beloved Maria by talking to her and listening to her sorrows! I am the only man for her." He held Maria who's being dramatic. The two held each other while
José cries out, "Mariaaa, nooo!"
Billie glances over hearing Miles and Judge cracking up about something they were talking about. In her eyes she thought she saw Judge being flirty and quickly assumed he wanted to steal away her big brother.
"I must tell Obie! A boi! A boi! Is he-wuh!" She thought in her head, she looks down to her right side to find her iPad tablet at the end of the bigger long couch. Normally, she only plays her fun games but quickly get bored, since she loves playing with her dolls.
Anyway, the three year old quickly jumps over to the long couch trying to be like Spider-man. Wobbling over to her with each step on the soft cushions, she must be careful not to get their attention.
When she reached her iPad, she quickly jumps over like she was making a touchdown at a football game.
"Got it!" Quickly, she sat up straight placing her iPad upward. It quickly scan her face leading to an opening scene. She starts slamming her tiny hands on the messenger logo.
"Okay, we getting somewhere...mmm" She tries to remember the symbols and letters of Hobie's name. Ever since she learned how to write words, she was able to read them as well. Although she is three years old, she came make out names. Since she been using the tablet for a while she kind knows how to text.
Hopefully with all the observation she done with her family, she can send Hobie a message. Now, where to start.
"Hmmm, Obie? Where is Obie?" She saw the contact list seeing the number one responders are her papá and Miles. Normally, she would FaceTime her daddy because she misses him from long hours of work. Sometimes she likes playing with the filters and funny emojis, too. Her finger scroll down to her little contacts, she saw her mom's name, her grandmother, and her eyes lit up.
"OBIE!" The little girl spotted Hobie's name typed in as 'Obie' with a guitar emoji. She happily tap the name leading her to a chat section. Okay, now she's heading somewhere.
Her ears caught her big brother laughing out loud, "Dude, ain't no way. You literally are dating three girls at a time? That's crazy!"
"Aye, man. I got game." Judge smirks.
Billie didn't like the bragging, so she had to hurry. Her hand slap on the keyboard seeing the same letters as she learned.
Texting to Obie;
Billie: OBIE! OBIE! Obie!
She sent that first before texting another word.
"Umm... ummm.." What else can she spell? She only knows so little words.
The punker saw her text having to write.
Obie: Lass? You texting me? Or this Miles?
Billie couldn't only understand her brother's name.
Billie: OBIE! OBIE!
Needless to say Hobie being at home was caught off guard by the random text, he did remember his Sunflower put the family iPad's number on his Gizmo for emergency. He thought it was weird Billie sent him a text, in fact he didn't know she could send a text.
Hobie: Lil Blu? Dat u?
Billie stares at the screen seeing Blu and U, she understood and type: YUS!
Hobie being impressed: Wow, good job at texting me.
Billie type again: Obie! OBIE! Miles Miles
She needs to figure out how to say, "Strange man is here!" If only she can spell more words.
Hobie tilted his head, then sent: Miles, okay?
Billie tap on the emoji section and sent: Miles ☹️
That took the punker off guard: Miles 🙁?
Billie: 😣
"Sad face... sad face...." She pushes another text.
Billie: Miles a b
She didn't know how to spell BOY, so she tries to remember.
Hobie: Miles a b? 😂 Lass, u too funny.
Billie: NO! NO! 😡
She type again: MILES MILES ☹️ a boi
She thinks that's how to spell boy.
Hobie looks at the screen.
Hobie: Blu gender is a social construct.
Billie types again: A boi! A boi! Miles & boi!
She remembers when her dad takes her to Tony's & Tony's pizza, her dad always said 'and' and the symbol & would there. She figure that's what that symbol means.
Hobie stops to reread the message being so surprised by Miles' little sister. Did she mean the way he think she meant?
Hobie: Blu, Miles & a BOI?
Billie types: Yus.
Then she slap on the camera she press the ten second button, with her two tiny hands she lift the iPad to give her a selfie with her big brother and Judge laughing in the background being close. She capture the photo and send it to Hobie.
Billie: Miles & BOI!
Hobie stopped for a few second then text her.
Hobie: I'm coming, lass
She could read that, being very proud she became successful. "Boo-boo, what are you doing?" Her big brother came by wanting to check up on her only to find her on her iPad.
"Nuthin'!" She muffled through her pacifier.
Miles blinks a couple of times at his little sister's response, "Re-really?"
"Huh uh!" She set her iPad aside, got up with her two little legs and reached her arms out, "UP! UP!"
Miles picks her up having to carry her, "What's wrong, boo-boo? You hungry?"
"Mmm!" She snuggles her big brother a bit more, then she spotted Judge eating her Cheetos puffs! Oh, he's gonna get it. "Cheetos! Cheetos!" She squirms with her hand tugging on her big brother's tank top.
"Oh you want some Cheetos puffs?" Miles took one to give to her.
Judge chews, "My bad, cheetos be fire with soda." He almost finished the whole bag.
"Nah, it's cool, man." Miles giggles.
Billie took the Cheetos puff and pull out her pacifier to take a bite, "Cheeto!" She pouts at Judge, "My Cheetos!"
"Billie," Miles frowns, "That's not very nice. Judge is our guest. Hey, you need a refill?" He looks at his friend.
"Sure."Judge said while eating the rest of the Cheetos bag.
"Awe," Billie gasps at her favorite snacks being gone, she pouts at her brother.
"Don't worry, boo-boo. We got another bag. Remember sharing is carrying." He had her on his hip, holding her with his left arm. Miles went over to the fridge to pull out a bottle of Cola, he twist the cap with his thumb and index finger. Billie watches her brother pour some soda in Judge's cup, "So, after Japan are you going to South Korea or Singapore?"
"Awe, man. I would love to go to Singapore, man. That place looks so fire. South Korea... hmm." Judge thought for a second before saying, "I kinda do want to go but probably later one. I'm planning to go to Germany to visit my cousins."
"No way, you got family in Germany?"
"Yup, since on my mom side is mix with Moroccan, her family is mix with African and Arab descendants. So some relatives move to Germany for education, some to France or Britain." He pop Cheetos puff in his mouth.
"Damn, I never knew that. That's pretty cool. So ya'll visit them often?"
"I use to, but my mom wants to go to visit my aunt and her family." Judge shrugs, "What about you? Aren't ya going somewhere?"
"Well... with school and work. I've been so busy. I do want to visit my grandma and family in Puerto Rico, but I'm not sure if I can. My dream is to go to Japan and see all the cool stuff there." He fantasize going to Japan for the culture and anime stuff.
"You should go. You can totally survive with 2k of dollars if you're smart enough to budget." His friend explained.
Billie chews her Cheeto puff very slowly waiting for Hobie to come. "I guess, but I don't got 2k to spend like that. I need to pay for books and stuff, you know."
"That is true, dude. You're at a Legacy school!" He said.
The two talk some more unaware of a Celestial portal opening in Miles' bedroom, they didn't hear the heavy thud of combat boots or the chains dangling against each other on a buckled belt.
The door slowly opens having to reveal a punker with a dark look on his face, his eyes narrowed as he spotted the random boy in his Sunflower's home.
Miles' felt his Spider Senses going off when he noticed an unease sense of his punker. "Hmm, Hobie?" He turns over his shoulder after he saw Judge's face fell into a frighten stare.
"Dude, who dat fuck is that?" Judge asked out loud.
Billie turns her head with a big smile on her face, "Obie! Obie!" The punker actually had a more intense punker outfit with everything being black and silver, his makeup look more intense. He painted his eyes into a black smokey bar lines, black lipstick and red contact on one right eye and an Anarchy symbol white contact on the other. He got a lot more accessories having this "Scary" look.
The Morales family got use to this style so this didn't phased them. Not even Billie was afraid, instead she happily giggles, "Obie! Obie!"
"Bae..." Miles looks over at Judge knowing he can't ask him why he's here instead he lied, "Your awake. I didn't think you would wake up."
"Hey, Sunflower." Hobie put one arm around his boyfriend's shoulder with a glaring mean mug directing at Judge. "Who's dis bloke?" His voice deep, rasps sounding a bit dangerous.
"BAE? Miles, who the heck is this?" Judge looked very confused and scared at the punker. "Weren't you dating some rocker dude? Now your into some guy looking like he's part of Metal band?"
"Judge, this is Hobie. He's just dressed different." Miles kisses his boyfriend's cheek, "Bae, this is Judge. Remember him. You met him a couple of times at parties..."
"THIS IS HOBIE? Bro look so different." And frankly, scary as fuck! If he could say the rest of his sentence.
"Not a clue." Hobie grunts being like a guard dog to his boyfriend.
Miles arched his eyebrow, knowing his partner is jealous as hell. "Bae, Judge is just a friend."
Billie pouts at her brother, "Miles and boi, Obie! Obie!" She tugs on Hobie's shirt, "Boi!" She pointed having to squint her eyes at Judge.
"Wah?" Judge saw the glares he got from the two, especially the way Billie squint her eyes at him like a cat.
Miles said, "Hold on, you two. You guys need to be nice to Judge. He's a friend from high school! Stop it." He had to scold his boyfriend a baby sister. Then apologize to his friend, "I'm so sorry, man. I didn't expect this from them."
"It's all good, man. I didn't think you were with him... I thought he was a fling then again, we rarely hang out after high school." His friend trying to ease the tension down.
"Hah, I know, everyone didn't think me and him would be together." Miles kisses his boyfriend on the cheek, again. This calms Hobie down.
Billie felt at ease with Hobie here, "Obie! Obie!"
"Yes, lass." He took her off from his Sunflower's arm to hold her.
She patted his cheek, "Hehe." Then snuggles against him being happy he's here.
Miles blink a bit surprised at his little sister, and his boyfriend gave a small chuckles, "Don't worry, lil blu. I'll always protect your brother." This made Billie calm enough to take a nap, all this tension exhausted her. So she suckled her pacifier while she fallen asleep in the punker's arm.
Judge nervously said, "Heh, so this been something..."
"Hahaha, don't worry about them. They just love me so much." Miles said with a small smile on his face.
"I can see that." Judge will never admit to Miles that he's envious having this much love.
After Judge left, Miles finally asked his man what happened. Billie finally woken up from her nap. Her big eyes still in Hobie's arms.
"Sunflower, lil Blue send me a text. Check the iPad. It's bonkers, I know, but she was worried for me. She literally thought you were cheating on me." Hobie explained.
Miles being disbelief went to get his sister's iPad, instead of freaking out he was amazed that his little sister text Hobie! "NO WAY! Billie texted you! This is crazy! She even responded back?" He scrolls seeing how his little sister did the best she could. "Wait, she thought I was cheating on you! Boo-boo!"
Billie shrugs, "A boi!"
"See. You gave made her scared, Sunflower. Never saw a bloke like that and all alone without me around. Scandalous." Hobie jokes.
"Oh hush, you were all 'grr, don't touch my Sunflower'." Miles huffs.
"I have to be scary. It's my nature." Hobie chuckled, "Besides this look was meant for a concert."
"Obie not scary. Obie good." Billie patted him.
Miles sighs, "Well, at least she has your back, bae."
"Hah, and she texted me first!" His boyfriend gave a smug smirk.
When Miles' parents came home from work, they were surprised to find out Billie knowing how to text. The three year old happily demonstrated her skills by sending them a text.
Billie: Miles & a boi! A Boi!
Rio giggles, "A boi? Does she mean Obie?"
Hobie chuckles, "Actually it's a funny story."
"Let me guess," Jeff rub his chin, "One of Miles' old friends came by to visit and Billie thought it was weird. Then she went ahead to text you?"
"Wow, that was fast?" Miles asked his dad.
"I'm good at my job." Jeff smirks.
Hobie sips his soda, "I scared him good."
"How?" Rio asked having to hold her daughter.
"My looks."
Jeff and Rio tilted their head not being afraid of the punker's style. They gotten so use to it, it felt like one of his normal clothing. "Hmph, I don't see it." Rio said.
"Maybe if you add red eyeliner underneath?" Jeff crossed his arms giving advice.
Miles giggles, "I didn't know you an expert, dad."
"Just giving some advice."
Hobie said, "I'll try that next time, pops. So, mamí Morales, what's for dinner?"
"Hmm, how about some Shrimp con Mofongo y arroz con habichuelas?" She wanted to cook something easy today.
"Habichuelas! Mamá, yo quiero arroz con Habichuelas. Por favor." Billie spoke in Spanish being so hungry for rice and beans.
"Sí, mi amor. Just hold on for a few minutes. Miles, take out the pot from the fridge."
"On it!"
Rio handed her daughter to Hobie, whiles she gets to cooking. Billie and Hobie sat watching the two. They couldn't wait for dinner.
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jennsterjay · 10 months ago
Heard you wanted more <3, so here's Prowler Hobie x Miles [4] !!
New here? Here's the Recap: Welcome to the alternate universe where when Miles is swinging around in his hometown of Earth-1610B, he finds a new Prowler in town that is a variant of Hobie Brown. As Miles tries to decide if he's a friend or a foe, he sees him double time when he finds out he's at Brooklyn Visions Academy also. As the two eventually trade secrets and juggle their dual identities in New York, they get closer and develop feelings (while Ganke is calling them both dorks)
School Lunch
[Miles is sitting across from Hobs at the lunch table. Hobs is putting his dreads in a ponytail while Miles eats his sandwich]
[Miles eats away and looks at how long Hobs' dreads are and then he absent-mindedly trails his eyes over Hobs' face. Hobs' catches him staring before Miles quickly looks away…then looks back at him. Hobs is smirking at him]
Hobs: You must really like looking at my face huh?
Miles (finishes his last bite): I mean…what's not to like?
[Hobs' eyebrows raise slightly, he was expecting him to deflect so he could tease him…not outright admit it]
Hobs (laughs nervously): Hahah you play too much man
Miles (feeling bold): Nah, I know how to admit it when someone looks good. I should know…I look good myself
Hobs (grins big and chuckles): Hahahah okayyy Miles you're funny but I'm giving you props for that one, you got me
[Miles laughs to himself, see? Hobs isn't the only one that can flirt-tease]
Hobs: -And you do…
Miles (smiling): Huh?
Hobs (smiles): You do look good
[Hobs with a satisfied smirk steals a fry off of Miles' tray, while Miles looks away with a shy smile]
Miles (notices): Hey!
[Miles steals a chicken nugget off of Hobs' tray, and Hobs laughs and lets him]
Hobs (smiling): Gotta keep your eyes on the prize…Gonzalo
Miles (smirking): Pffft, whatever…Larry
[They both laugh, then the bell rings]
Copy-Cat Complex
[Miles and Hobs, suited up during the day and standing on the roof of a high building]
Hobs: Hey Miles…I have a question but I want you to be real with me
Miles (turning to him): Okay…shoot
Hobs (retracting his mask): When you look at me, do you see Hobs or do you see Hobie?
[Miles is silent for a moment before he takes off his mask to look up at Hobs with a genuine expression]
Miles: When we first met I used to…but then I got to know you. You're not Hobie, you're you, and I like you man. You don't have to compare yourself to nobody else, and I'm glad I met you when I did. You're cool, smart, funny, real with me, and whether we're swinging across New York or trying do some last minute homework assignment, I ain't worried about it…Because I know you get me
[Hobs is silent for a moment, surprised before he looks down at the ground and smiles. He then puts a hand over his face and honest to God chuckles with a wide smile, before he walks up to Miles and places a hand on his shoulder]
Hobs (smiling wide): You can't just be saying stuff like that, at least take me to dinner first
Miles (rolls his eyes and laughs): Oh Pleaseee!
Hobs (chuckles): …But for real though, thanks Miles
Miles (smiles): Anytime, Hobs
Let Him Cook
[Miles on the phone with Pavitr]
Pavitr: It sounds like you have a massive crush on him. I should know, I'm really good at reading people.
Miles: Yeah I'm not gonna even lie to you, I do…and he's supposed to be coming over today to help me and mami cook for her party on Wednesday
Pavitr: Oooo that sounds fun, and very romantic. I cook for Gayu all the time and she loves it…I hope Hobs is a better cook than Hobie is-
Miles (sitting up): What do you mean?
Pavitr: One time I invited Hobie over to cook some vada pav and told him to fry it and watch the stove while I helped Maya Auntie with chores, and when I came back downstairs he was cursing and trying to extinguish the burning pan flames by pouring water into the oil
Miles (shaking his head): Woww yeah that sounds about right
Pavitr: Bro we had to get a new pan and everything!…anyways let's hope that your Hobs is a better cook
Miles (smiling nervously): Hahah yeah…I hope so too
[Later, Rio opens the front door after someone knocks]
Hobs (with a smile): Hey Mrs. Morales, I'm here to help y'all with the food
Rio (smiling and ushering him in): Hobs! Glad to have you, come on inside. Miles stepped out for moment and I'm helping Jeff to smoke some meat outside on the rooftop, but I did start preparing a few things in the kitchen whenever you're ready to jump in
Hobs (setting his bag down): Sure thing, just let me know how I can help
Rio (waving him over): Splendid! Come on over…see I started preparing the ingredients for the mofongo over here on the counter, you can start by slicing up the plantains and then fry them in that pan with oil that's warming on the stove. Sound like a plan boss?
Hobs (nodding and heading over to the cutting board): Sounds like a plan Mrs. M, I'll get choppin'
Rio (smiling, then heading to the rooftop): Thank you so much Hobs, I'll be back down soon
[The door closes and Hobs proceeds to slice the plantains and slide them into the pan to fry, secretly eating a slice himself, then he waits]
Hobs (thinking to himself): 'Yeah this is gonna take a minute, lemme pull out my phone'
[Hobs scrolls on his phone for a minute, occasionally checking the pan and flipping the plantains with a spatula before he gets absorbed in a toktak video in high quality of himself suited up in Prowler gear with his mask on with the caption 'we found out who it is']
Hobs (going to sit on the couch): Oh no…
[Hobs watches the 11 minute video of filler and bait, seeing if there was any face reveal before he reaches the end of the video and breathes a sigh of relief. It's just a picture of Jayden Smiths]
[Miles then enters through the front door and smiles when he sees Hobs before walking over and sitting next to him on the couch]
Miles: Ayy Hobs, what's cooking?
Hobs: Hah, just helping your mom with her plantains…should be like a minute or two
[Miles looks past him at the pan from where he sits, and then nods before looking back at him and relaxing in the cushions]
Miles: Cool, so what are you watching?
Hobs (offering his phone): Was watching this video someone took of me in the Prowler suit. Thought they had figured out my identity but they said it was Jayden Smiths at the end, took me out for real
[Miles takes it as their fingers brush, and scoots closer to Hobs before playing the video]
Miles (laughing): Wow that was crazy, that suspenseful music really sold it though
Hobs (grinning): Hahah Jayden wishes he could be me
Miles (hands him the phone back): I bet he does
Hobs (looks towards the window for a moment): For real though…I knew it was probably fake but they had me in the first half not gonna lie
[Miles looks up at him, then down at Hobs' free hand before Miles not-so-casually reaches out and holds it in his own. Hobs looks down at their hands, then back at Miles]
Miles: Well if anyone does find out who you are, don't worry about it…I got you. After all, I'm Spider-Man
[Hobs pauses as he looks all around Miles' face before he trails his eyes over his freckled cheeks…and gets caught in his eyes]
[Hobs then gently squeezes back Miles' hand in his]
Hobs (looking down at him): Thanks Miles…
Miles (looking up at him): Anytime Hobs…
Hobs (leaning closer to him slowly): ….You know you're playing with fire, right?
Miles (inching closer to him slowly): That's okay…I'm not afraid to get-
[And right on cue, flames of disaster rise as the frying pan lights on fire]
Miles (shocked): -Burned! Dios mío!
Hobs (getting up immediately): Oh Nahhh, Rio is gonna kill us
Miles (rushing to the kitchen): Quick, Help me take it out!
[The two rush to the kitchen and Hobs turns the stove knob to OFF and Miles grabs the flaming pan as he decides whether to throw it outside, in the sink, or cover it when Rio comes through the front door and turns the corner to see the scene in front of her with wide eyes]
Rio (wide eyed): Miles- Oh my God mijo what is happening!? Put that down and cover it up!!
Miles (smiling sheepishly): Yes mami!
[Miles puts it back on the stove on a different spot before Hobs grabs a pan lid and quickly covers the pan completely before jumping back from it to stand next to Miles. Miles holds his hand again…for solidarity this time]
Rio (walking up to them): Boys are you okay? Any burns anywhere?
Hobs & Miles (at the same time): No we're okay
Rio (sighs): Good…now who wants to tell me what you were both doing to let the plantains burn like this???
[They look at each other and back at Rio]
Miles: Well you see…uhhh visual learning is an amazing thing, and video entertainment has come very far in the last 50 years
Hobs: Yeah…we're definitely cooked
See You Next Time
1 2 3 All of them
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skylarmoon71 · 2 months ago
Mick Davies (Supernatural) - Oneshot
Word Count: 5k+. The ending for Mick made me sad, so I made this little fic to feel better. Enjoy!
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They’ve made some questionable choices, so at this point, you really shouldn’t be surprised. 
Dean winced. 
“Listen, I’m not crazy about them either. Especially after they tried to gank us.” 
“Then why the hell are you working with them!!” 
“Because we can help.” 
Mick walked into the room, and your entire posture changed. Instinctively you reached for your gun, and Sam stepped in front of you to deescalate the situation. 
Standing in the bunker, you wanted to understand why the boys were even contemplating this. It wasn’t just the fact that their operative had tried to kill the boys, but they’d managed to get Mary on their side. You would have understood if you weren’t a naturally cautious person. 
“All we’d like to do is help. This partnership would be beneficial on both sides.” 
You still weren’t convinced, but from the looks the boys were giving you, it’s clear that they’d made up their minds. You didn’t like it, but at the moment, you don’t have a choice. Lowering your gun, you glare at Mick. 
“If anything happens to any of them, you’re the first one I’m killing. Then I’ll gut that guard dog of yours.” 
Mick didn’t look very ecstatic at the threat, but nodded. 
That was the way it started. 
Mick would join on cases. There was still the search for Kelly, while Cas was working his angle, you were doing yours, so there were days you would be gone from the bunker days at a time. You were grateful that they’d offered you a place to stay a few years ago. It was nice to have a home, even if it was an apocalyptic structured safe house. 
“Back in the books again.” 
The sound of Mick’s voice diverts your attention. The frown on your face deepens, because the boys are making a food run. So you’re left babysitting. You just turn back to your book, and he wears a tight smile, sliding his hands into his pocket. 
“I understand that our partnership isn’t to your liking, but I assure you that our only intentions are the same. We all want to eradicate monsters.” 
“Is that what your little loose canon was doing when she tortured Sam?” 
He’s not impressed by the statement, and you finally stand. 
“Sam and Dean aren’t idiots, they know as well as I do how this all works. It’s smooth sailing right now, but what happens when we disagree with the way you handle a situation, are you going to kill us like you did those soldiers, or that girl?”
He seems surprised. 
You know he didn’t expect you to find out, but you’re frugal. You haven’t survived so long being careless. Before you met the boys, you were on your own. Looking out for yourself is second nature. Now with them, you feel obligated to do the same. 
Mick’s jaw is clenched tightly. 
“Everything we do is to protect this country.” 
“Is that what you tell yourself to help you sleep at night? It must have been like any other run when you lost your people.” 
Your taunt seems to trigger a response. He steps forward and you falter for a second, because he looks pissed. 
“You have no right to speak so lightly of their deaths. Those were my people!!” 
He’s never yelled before, and when you hear the sound of feet walking in, Sam is quick to pull you both apart, 
“Alright, cool down kids.” 
Dean says creating a barrier. 
You back up, now feeling a bit guilty. It’s true you were trying to get a rise out of him, but you didn’t expect him to get so heated. Ketch was a lot less empathetic, so you assumed the same with him. Turning your head, you walk off. No use poking the bear further. You can admit when you’ve made a mistake. 
After the argument, you decided that you needed a few days away from anything connected to the British Men of Letters. So you took a hunt in Oklahoma while Sam, Dean and Mick were tracking a werewolf in Iowa. 
At least that’s what you thought. 
“Damn hunters!!” 
You grunted as your body was thrown across the room. The landing was harsh, you definitely cracked a rib, or two. 
Staggering to your feet, the woman just laughed. You were disoriented, and your weapon was now on the other side of the room. 
“You’re going to taste great.” 
You lifted your hands to defend, but the gun shots echoed, and then you saw the blade, right before the head of the ghoul rolled onto the floor. Holding your side, you stared as Dean sent you a smile with a blade in his hand and Mick lowered his gun. 
“Looked like you needed a hand dear.”
You weren’t sure what was more irritating, the fact that Mick seems to have greatly improved at hunting, or that he’s looking so stupidly smug. 
There wasn’t much conversation after that. 
After the encounter, all of you skipped town. You were in the backseat with Mick, glaring at the boys. 
“I had it handled.” 
“Yeah, cause it looked handled.”  Dean snarks. 
“I thought you guys were in Iowa?” 
“We were, but when we called to check in and you didn’t pick up, we figured we’d make the trip.” 
You frown, looking out the window. Truthfully you’re grateful for the help. 
“Did you have to bring the brit?” 
“The brit that saved your life, might I add.” Mick counters. 
“Hey, I was the one that chopped her head off.” Dean complains. 
“You want a prize?” You ask sarcastically. 
Dean just continued to grumble childishly, and Sam laughs, shaking his head. 
Regardless of the outcome, the ghoul was dead and you’d escaped with minimum damage. With your pride in your hand, you went bounding through the door, straight to your room. Mick looked about ready to follow you to have a discussion, but Dean grabbed his arm. 
“Give her space. It’s gonna take a while for her to adjust to all of this.” 
Mick didn’t like leaving those matters unresolved, but Sam seemed to be in agreement, so he folded. 
He hoped that with each case that the four of you worked, the closer you would become. Sam and Dean were opening up, but you were still keeping him at arm's length. He knew he couldn’t force it. He’d gained similar resistance when he first tried to recruit hunters. 
It’s clear that this would just be another uphill battle. 
“Are you sure this is the right address?” 
“I believe I am capable of reading an address.” 
His sarcastic response just made you roll your eyes as you both exited the abandoned building. There seemed to be nothing out of place, but your eyes caught the markings on the wall and you froze. Dean and Sam had asked you to follow up on a lead that you had with finding Kelly, and somehow Mick had volunteered to be your partner on the trip. You thought it was another dead end, but the scuff marks in the design of angel wings were easy to spot. 
“Is that-” 
“An angel.” 
The new voice made you both turn around. 
“Are you the ones responsible for smiting my brother?” 
The man standing before you looked pissed, and you moved in front of Mick protectively. 
“We just got here. We’re fighting the same war here, stopping the birth of the literal spawn of you know who. How about we all play nice?” 
“And if I refuse?” 
You dropped the angel blade from your sleeve, gripping the hilt. 
“It wasn’t a request. Back off or you’ll be joining wings over there.” 
He gritted his teeth, but did nothing. After a beat, he stepped back, walking away. You knew with how many angels had already been killed, they couldn’t afford to lose anymore.
Your shoulders relaxed, and when you turned, Mick offered a small smile. 
“I appreciate you standing in to protect my honor.” 
He jokes. 
“Don’t read too much into it. It would just be too much work carrying a body. “ 
You said nothing else, walking away, and Mick just followed behind. 
More than anything, you wanted to hate him, if nothing but to ensure that when those British douchebags went rogue, you wouldn’t feel anything. Yet, with every case, Mick seemed to prove you wrong. He might not have been the best hunter, but he wasn’t like the others. 
Certainly not like Ketch who probably would have left you to bleed out the moment he saw you as a liability. 
That’s why you were a bit surprised that Mick was managing your weight as he rushed you back to the motel. Thes second you both got into the door, he was moving to the bed. You winced. You knew he was trying to be careful, his soft apologies enough proof. 
“I suppose Wendigos are more tricky than we assumed.” 
You’d managed to stop the cannibalistic monster, not without injury. The claw marks on your stomach were prominent. You laid back, trying to catch your breath as Mick rushed into the bathroom, probably to grab a towel. He came back out with one, moving to your side. All of his movements were careful, and when he lifted your shirt, the amount of blood was worrying. 
You were sweating profusely, and Mick cursed under his breath, moving to grab his bag. You were a bit out of it, but you could still make out a bit of his movements. 
“Cas and Dean are closer, but with the rate you’re bleeding, you won’t last longer than an hour, we must stop the bleeding now. “ 
It took you a moment to realize he was mixing something into a bowl. You weren’t sure exactly what it was, but then he pulled out a knife and slit his palm, leaking his blood into the bowl. In seconds he was back at your side, raising his palm as he chanted something you couldn’t make out. You did however feel the flash of pain in your torso. 
You screamed and Mick lowered his head, closing his eyes. The last thing he wanted was to cause you pain. The spell was excruciating, he knew that, but if it was between a few moments of pain and watching you bleed out, he knew which option he would take. When your screams died out, your head lulled to the side, eyes closed. 
You were unconscious. 
Given the severity of your wound, he wasn’t surprised. He lowered to bowl unto the dresser, sighing in relief when the wound was no longer gushing out blood. This spell was a temporary fix. 
Many British hunters had used it as an aid in the more detrimental cases, mostly as a delay until they could seek proper medical care when injured in the field. 
He was back at your side, running his hand over your hair as he prayed that they would get here fast. 
As faith would have it, twenty minutes later Dean and Cas were practically bursting through the door. 
When they saw the wound, and your state, Cas was clearly confused, but he made quick work at healing you. Once it was clear you were out of danger, Mick explained the situation and advised that with all the screaming you had done, it was probably better that they left before someone came looking. 
Dean didn’t need any more convincing. 
By the time they made it back to the bunker, you were regaining consciousness. A bit groggy, but fine. 
Sam had practically crushed you in a hug and Dean, as well as Cas looked relieved. 
When you were out of your bloody clothes and ready to grab a drink for your crappy night, you didn’t expect Mick to still be there. He was in the main room, at the table, a glass in his hand. 
His gaze seemed distant, and when he noticed your presence, he stood. 
“Well, it seems my worry was a waste. You are practically a Winchester at this point. Indestructible. “ 
His playful words lacked the usual lightness to it, and you weren’t sure what to say, how to respond. From what Dean told you, the only reason you were still breathing was because of Mick. His spell had clotted your blood long enough to hold out for Cas. You’re appreciative, of course you are, but in your mind, there’s conflict. Maybe he could read it, because he placed down the glass, keeping his distance. 
“I know you don’t trust me, and there isn’t much I can say to change that, but I do want to help.” 
You could see how earnest he was, and he had saved your life, so maybe you could extend just a small olive branch. 
It was all you could get yourself to say. 
He wasn’t sure what it meant, but there seemed to be a mutual understanding of what this was. So he gave a nod, lifting his glass with a dip of his head. 
After that, there was a little more ease in your exchanges. You had his back, the same way he had yours. The more time you spent, the more he learnt and the less you felt like you had to keep a constant eye on him. 
On one of your more casual hunts, there was less injury. Aside from the door Mick had gotten thrown through, it all turned out okay. 
“I suppose a popped shoulder is a win in the eyes of most hunters.” 
Seated in his spare room at the bunker, you kept lecturing him to stay still so you could reset his shoulder. He finally obeyed and with one quick move, the crack echoed and he groaned as you removed your hands. He did a few rolls, testing it, before he turned to offer his thanks. 
“Good as new. Cheers love.” 
He commended. 
You lifted your head to respond, but the lack of distance became very noticeable and you swallowed at the way his eyes were now watching you so carefully, as if taking it all in. 
“Thank you, truly.” 
“It’s nothing.” 
You muttered. 
You couldn’t maintain eye contact, looking down at your feet. 
You weren’t sure why you were now acting so bashful. This was Mick after all. You wish your heart would obey and stop hammering. Nothing good would come of this. 
“I’m going to check in with Dean. “ 
It was a lame excuse, and the only one you could give as you exited the room. 
The longer he was around, the harder it became to deny that your once mistrustful view of the man was changing. With each case you seemed to observe more, like how dependable he was, or intelligent, especially when it came to lore. 
He might not be the best fighter, but he held the wisdom of a dozen encyclopedias. Then there was the way your name would just roll off his tongue when he was imparting knowledge on a case, or informing you of some monster you lacked insight on. 
For a moment you paused, because he’d been using your name more and more, and each time it left a little flutter in your stomach. When you realized all the eyes in the room were trained on you, you were quick to school your features. 
“What is it?” 
You tried your best to keep your tone neutral as you took a seat, waiting for them to update you on the most recent case with a witch. 
Once the tasks were dished out, you were all splitting up to work every angle. Mick stopped you before you could enter the car, sending you a subtle look of worry. 
“Are you alright?” 
You nodded, a bit distracted by the way his eyes emitted so much, just for you. 
“I might not be your biggest fan at the moment, but I am here for you.”
That felt like another part you couldn’t shake, his worry for you. There was nothing truly wrong, but he was here offering to be a shoulder for you to lean on. 
“I’m fine.” 
Nothing else was said. Just like that, the three of you were back on the road as Mick headed to his headquarters to catch up on reports. 
The case was easy enough, had you not been distracted the entire time. Hence the reason you were now passed out on the couch in the bunker. After the initial ganking of the witch, you hadn’t managed to evade the last attack. The second they realized you’d been struck, Dean was hitting the books and Sam was dialing up Rowena for advice or help. 
When you passed out, their worry increased. 
The second Sam was off the phone, Dean was ready for a miracle. 
“Good news, this spell isn’t fatal. It’s more of a truth serum. Rowena says it should wear off in a few hours. Turns out the witch gave it to some kid at the high school, she was hoping to take out an entire class, but he messed up the spell. He ended up making a mistake, so it wasn’t as potent. All the kids just got madly honest.” Sam reports. 
“That’s why she went after the girl. When it wasn't working in her favor, she figured she’d do things the old fashion way.” 
Sam concludes. 
Dean just shrugged. 
“Glad we ganked her ass. How long until (Y/N) wakes up?” 
Sam looked a bit worried. 
“Rowena didn’t say. All the other kids went back to normal after a day, so we might just have to wait it out.”
Dean nods, then eyes you a bit suspiciously. 
“Hey, the spell was made for teenagers right?”
Sam’s brows furrowed. 
“Yeah, why?” 
“Well, wouldn’t the effects be different? Teenagers are all hormones but she’s an adult. What exactly are we preparing for?” 
Sam seemed a bit curious now.
“Not sure. I was just happy there was a no death slip attached to it.” 
Dean couldn’t help but agree. Cases, especially with witches tend to be a lot more detrimental.
When they heard you begin to stir against the couch, they both moved to your side. Dean kneeled and Sam took a seat. 
“Hey, how are you feeling?” 
You were rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“I..I don’t know.” 
You started to straighten against the cushions. 
“Well we’re glad you're okay. When that witch came at you we got scared. I made sure and put a half dozen bullets in her, just on principle.” Dean states. 
Sam rolled his eyes, and Dean continued to grin, relieved that you were for the most part, okay.
“You..you saved me from the witch?” 
“Sure did.” Dean boasted. 
He expected you to make some snarky response, but when you looked at him, your lips quivered. He was about to question it, but you leaned forward, wrapping your hands around his neck as you hugged him tightly. 
He fell back on his butt in surprise, you landing right into his lap. 
“You’re the best Dean, thank you!” 
He was a bit confused, and Sam raised a brow as Dean made a face, patting your back awkwardly. 
“You’re welcome…?” 
Sam shrugged, and you pulled away with a smile, turning your gaze to Dean.
“You helped too didn’t you Sam?” 
“Uhh..y-yeah I guess.” 
You just gave a tearful smile as you stood, moving over to hug him too. Given the adjusted position, your chest was basically pressed into his face. He froze, arms extended awkwardly as you held him there. Dean was doing his best not to burst into laughter at his brother’s predicament. 
“You guys are the best friends I’ve ever had. I love you.” 
“L-Love you too..” 
Sam muttered, hoping that you would pull away. You did after a few seconds and he wore an awkward smile as you beamed at him. 
“Well, umm since you’re okay, let’s just stay in for the time being. Just to make sure there aren’t any lingering effects.” Sam advised. 
“Sounds good to me! You’re so smart Sam, and your hair is so cute and fluffy.” 
You reached for it, patting his hair like a child and this time Dean let out his laugh. You weren’t sure why he was laughing, but you joined in. 
For the next few hours, they just did research and stayed updated with Cas and Mary. You would go back and forth making sweet comments and asking innocent questions like..
“What’s a treesome?” 
Sam almost choked on his beer and Dean was quick to swipe his laptop from its spot on the table before you. He closed it, clearing his throat. 
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.” 
Sam sent Dean an unimpressed look. 
“Hey, it’s not my fault she’s got a teenage brain right now.”
“Maybe if you watched something other than porn it would help.” 
“What’s porn?” 
They both replied. 
You simply shrugged, and Dean took a seat next to you to get back to the books. You were bouncing in your seat in a childish manner and Sam couldn’t help but appreciate how carefree you seemed like this. 
“I guess with adults it makes them innocent and honest.” He observed. 
“I guess so.” 
You watched Dean who seemed curious. 
“You have pretty eyes. You’re really handsome Dean.” 
His cheeks flushed at the compliment. It’s not like he’d heard anything new. It was just different coming from you. 
“Well I mean, I guess.” 
Sam was laughing at the suddenly bashful Dean who was usually able to talk up a storm with any woman. 
“Shut up Sammy!!” 
You giggled, placing your cheek in your palm. 
“You’re handsome too Sam. Really handsome. I’m so lucky.” 
Sam gave a smile. 
“Thank you (Y/N).” 
You were smiling right back at him as the door to the bunker opened. The idea of more company made you happy, Sam could tell by the excitement in your eyes. When they saw who it was, the nodded to the man. 
“Mick, what’s up?” 
Sam spoke casually. 
He was about to inform on any new updates, but you jumped out of your seat and they all turned to you. Your cheeks were flushed and you were stumbling over your words, just staring at Mick. Your behavior had all of them lost. When you were finally able to speak, it was all hurried. 
“I-I’m going to my room!!” 
You were bolting off without so much as a goodbye, and silence stretched in the space for a good few seconds. 
They were all a bit puzzled, trying to figure out your weird behavior. Then, just like that, Dean looked like a lightbulb went off over his head, and he shuffled over to Sam whispering something in his ear. Mick looked on curiously. 
“You’re kidding.” Sam stated. 
“It makes sense.” Dean reasoned. 
“Something I should be informed of gentlemen?” 
Dean pursed his lips, then grinned. 
“Actually, how about you do a little errand. (Y/N) left these books. You should take it to her. You know, a show of good faith.” 
Mick didn’t really see the angle Dean was working, but he had to admit that any way to get on your good side seemed beneficial. 
“Very well.” 
He moved to the table, taking the books. 
As he walked over, he tried to analyze why you’d practically sprinted to your room without an explanation. He stopped when he got to his desired destination. 
With a soft knock, he stood waiting to be invited in. 
“Come in!” 
Your voice sounded chipper, a  complete contrast to the way you were when you bolted earlier. 
He opened the door, greeted by a bright smile. Yet, the moment you saw it was him, that expression changed. 
He closed the door, fully expecting you to maybe yell at him. Maybe he’d done something you disliked. It wouldn’t be the first time. He held your books, about to present his case, but he was a bit thrown off by your flustered expression. 
“D-Did Dean send you because he knows I have a crush on you!” 
Your tone was accusing, and suddenly your nervousness made sense. 
Mick stammered, a bit lost, clearly surprised. 
He must have heard wrong, you could not have said a crush.
You were now pacing. 
“We got back from a hunt with a witch and I got zapped. So they said we’d stay in. They are so nice. We’ve been hanging out in the bunker all day. Dean is so funny and Sam is so sweet. I’m so happy. They took care of me. They even let me help with research. B-But then you came and he must have noticed. I’m so stupid why didn’t I hide it better.” 
You dropped onto the bed, eyes lowered to your lap. 
“I’m sorry Mick, I really didn’t want to make things awkward.” 
He was still trying to figure out what was happening. You were acting completely out of character. Then the story of witch hunt ran back over in his head, and the pouty expression on your face started to make sense.
“Those wankers.” 
They knew full well that you’d been spelled. It’s clear they’d sent him in for their own amusement. He wasn't really sure how to handle the situation. Mainly because this was out of his element. He was used to your combative nature. Now you were almost meek, and apologetic. Sighing, he placed down the books on your dresser next to the door. 
“I get it if you don’t want to be friends anymore Mick.” 
You sounded hurt at the thought, and he let out another heavy sigh, moving over to you. 
“There is no need for an apology. It’s clear that all of this is out of your control.” 
Truthfully, these feelings you’re now expressing might just be effects of the spell. He was hesitant, but he finally took a seat next to you on the bed. You lifted your head, and the adoration in your eyes made him swallow. 
“So we can still be friends, even if you know about my crush?” 
He let out a soft laugh despite himself. 
“You don’t truly have such feelings. This witch that you spoke about, it’s clear that you are under some influence.” 
You shook your head defiantly. 
“That’s not true! I’ve liked you for weeks!” 
The confession was humbling. He should have left well enough alone. Heaven knows when you were back to your old self you would have his head, but he couldn’t help it. He’s been intrigued by you for some time now, but you’ve made a habit of keeping your distance due to your mistrust of him and his organization. Now here you sit, looking at him so cutely, confessing feelings he was not even aware of. 
“Do you truly have feelings for me?” 
He was more curious than anything else. 
“I do! You have really pretty eyes, and you’re super smart. Just like Sam. You’re also really nice sometimes, even when I’m mean to you.” 
A small smile made its way on his lips. 
“Is that all?” 
He urged. 
“Y-You’re accent is really hot  and you smell so nice all the time. It used to drive me crazy, especially when we’re on cases and I ended up covered in monster guts. You always seem to be glowing. It’s like magic.” 
He couldn’t help but chuckle. He supposed he could get used to this. It’s obvious you were struck with some kind of truth spell. 
When you looked down and started to fidget, he leaned in a bit closer. 
“Is something wrong?” 
You nibbled on your lower lip. 
“Do you…do you like me too..” 
It was just above a whisper. He almost didn’t hear it. In all honesty, he wasn’t sure how to answer the question. The both of you had gotten a bit closer, at the very least you hadn’t threatened him in a while, but that was as far as your relationship had gone. You weren’t his biggest fan, even if he desperately wanted that space to be gone. 
He’s afraid that regardless of whatever feelings he holds, it would not make much of a difference. You and him are acquaintances at best. You’ve made that quite clear. 
“You like someone else, don’t you?” 
You seemed a bit crushed at the idea, and when you lifted your head, he could see the fresh tears. He wanted to remove them, even though he knew he was the cause. It made no sense. To feel so strongly even though he knew the minute this spell wore off, the both of you would go back to being enemies working towards a common goal. 
He would say anything in that moment to change your expression. 
Cursing under his breath, he cupped your cheek. When he pressed his lips to your own, he swore he’d never felt more alive. His heart was racing in his chest, and a part of his brain expected you to pull away, or punch him in the gut, but you did the opposite. Your hands gripped into his suit, pulling him as close as your bodies would allow and his expression evened out as he melted into the kiss. 
Consequences be damned, this was the best feeling in the world. 
“They’ve been in there a while, you think we should check on them? Maybe she’s killing him.” 
Dean stated. 
“With what? Cookies. She’s like a care bear now.” Sam reasoned. 
“I’m a bit concerned that you know what a care bear is Sam.” 
He just gave Dean an exasperated look.
They were about to go into a verbal battle when he heard the sound of footsteps coming down the hall. You broke the corner with a bright smile. 
“Mick and I kissed!” 
You looked ecstatic, and Mick stumbled into view, looking awkward. 
“Really dude, when she’s spelled?” 
Dean really was the last one who should be judging. 
“I’ll assure you that it never went past a kiss.” Mick spoke, fixing his clothes. 
“There’s more than kissing?” 
You seemed generally lost and Mick’s brows furrowed as he turned back to the boys. 
“Care Bear.” 
Dean stated as if it would explain everything. 
Sam just pressed his palm to his face. 
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almostcolorfulcolor · 2 years ago
Death Note, meet Supernatural- CHAPTER 1
Relationships: L (Death Note)/Reader, L (Death Note)/Original Female Character(s)
Summary: What if Death Note existed in a world with Winchesters in it? Would L finally have the evidence he needs to prove Light is Kira? How will L fare in a world where monsters are real and not every case is solvable by him? Lucky for him, there's a hunter here to work side-by-side with him.
Chapter Summary: With data from L's investigation, it wouldn't have taken long for a hunter to find the mystery of Death Note, find the Shinigami and Kira, and ganking them both. If you're curious about how it plays out, read on!
Chapter 1: Japan, here I come!
I open my burning eyes. Tears blur my vision as I try to forget the images from my latest nightmare. My boys…my poor boys…“I will bring you both back”, I promise…for over the 100th time. Shaking off my thoughts, I get ready for the day mentally ticking off my checklist for my trip to Japan. The first truly big nuisance since Dick Roman, this Kira, was killing off criminals left and right.
It was not my typical case but something about Kira’s requirements of killing was supernatural. He needed a name and face to kill. With just those, he could kill anyone from anywhere. Which human could do that? And even if they could, the means had to be supernatural. Perhaps they made a demon deal, or Kira used a cursed object. Not only that, there was perhaps someone else with Kira’s power who only needed a face to kill. 3 Japanese police officers dropped dead during a TV broadcast- names unknown.
The world’s security agencies were stumped. The number 1 detective in the world, L, was working on it but even he hadn’t been able to put a stop to Kira's killings till now. I could only assume it was because of the supernatural factor. Which made it my responsibility. What the hell those Japanese hunters were doing I didn’t know- and I couldn’t find out because not many hunters trusted my little Team Free Will after the whole opening of the Devil’s Gate, starting the Apocalypse and releasing the Leviathans into the world. Couldn’t blame them tbh.
It did make this whole investigation pretty hard though. If only Sam was here…This was my problem. I had become so tangled up with the Winchesters that it was impossible for me to not think about them for more than 10 minutes. I was on my own now. Alone. A lone wolf. And I was about to feel like absolute shit once I landed in Japan and my social awkwardness came out to play in a foreign country whose language I wasn't familiar with. Fingers crossed.
—One plane ride later—
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First stop, Wakoucha at the airport cafe. Overpriced but worth every yen. After a couple of sips, I got my bearings and hauled ass to the hotel the FBI director set me up at. Presidential suite, of course. Exorcising a demon outta his brother would go a long way.
A ping on my laptop draws my attention. A video call from the guy himself. Answering it, I say, “Hey, I just got to—” when he makes a shushing gesture. I pipe down, curious to see what he’s on about. He holds up a piece of paper for me to read. Surprisingly, I can read it perfectly. Which means someone must have taken the pain to write it inverted. There’s no doubt what it is. At my nod, he promptly sets fire to the paper with a lighter, gives me a thumbs up and ends the call.
Well, then. No time to waste.
I change into the charming suit that makes me look like a cinnamon roll, idiots never see it coming when I gank them. All geared up I go to my FBI-issued car (I miss Baby) and head up to meet the famous L and the officially “disbanded” taskforce.
—Time Skip—
The building is quite ordinary from the outside. The same old grey skyscraper with the corporate soul-sucking vibe. Somewhere inside there is a group of people with whom I will be catching a killer with supernatural powers. L’s right-hand man was informed of my arrival and he was waiting for me right as I step in the doors. He’s completely covered from head to toe so that I cannot even get one glimpse of his skin. The only thing I can say is he’s tall. The dude’s just standing there until I clear my throat and speak, “Verification?”. Nodding, he starts-“Jefferson” and I finish-“Starship”.
Codes confirmed, he wordlessly leads me down the lobby. The security inside is no joke. When the detectors beep, he gestures to me to upturn my pockets. Knowing there’s no way out of this, I take out the couple of guns and knives I had on me. He even confiscates my mobile phone. The holy water’s filled in a disposable plastic bottle so I can easily take it past the checkpoint. No way I could’ve broken in here on my own. I can’t help but feel like a dumb kid who doesn’t know the hell she’s doing. Before, with Sam and Dean, it was just natural to feel confident and self-assured. I try to channel some of that right now and attempt to make conversation. “Call me Anne (Pick your fake name). Pleased to meet you. How’s the case coming along sir? Any new leads since we last talked?” To my credit, my voice only wavers for 5 seconds max. The guy gives me a side glance but doesn’t respond. Not to be discouraged any more than I already am, I barrel on. “So I’ve been following this case like everybody and I already have a couple of theories- I can’t share them yet- but I’d like to ask you something about L. I’ve heard he’s a bit…moody and I don’t want to butt heads with him on the investigation or make him feel like I’m taking over. Any words of advice on how to make this smooth sailing?”
Silence. Fine then. I’ve already given too much power to him. Now it’s time to be all tough and laconic myself. We take the elevator and stop several floors up. My heart is fluttering as a tall dude leads me to a set of doors and just throws them open. Every head snaps my way. Well, shit.
I flashback to 1st grade when I changed schools. The teacher was mean and made me stand in front of the class and introduce myself. I hated her then and I hate the tall dude now. I turn to glare at him to find out he’s already left. Turning to face my audience, I wave and give a sheepish smile. I know I just look like a dork. God, what’s wrong with me? When did I suddenly become a schoolgirl? These guys will never take me seriously now. Damn it.
I jump when a voice pulls me out of my self-criticism, “Who are you? How did you get in?” It’s a guy about Bo…60 years old pointing a gun at me. Nearly everyone is except a couple of boys. I start to answer but another voice cuts me off. A warm, gravelly, soothing voice. “She’s our newest member.” It takes me a moment to realize the speaker is this cute little weirdo sitting in a big chair in front of a gigantic screen. Seriously, just wow. A moment of appreciation is required here. This guy is soooooo cute. I drink in his features- his big bambi eyes, his chaotic raven hair that I long to feel, his perfect mouth as he pops in a marshmall- “We have to tolerate her for now as the FBI has forced her upon us”, the said mouth pipes up. And just like that my fantasies take a sharp turn and I see my fist connecting with his teeth and his perfect mouth bloody.
Feeling sufficiently insulted, I snark back, “Shut the hell up, asshole. Like I’m thrilled to be forced to work with a bunch of incompetent jackasses who haven’t been able to catch a pathetic killer in months. The headquarters had to send in a babysitter to mind the greatly overrated L. Make sure you give me the case report before you choke to death stuffing your cakehole and do Kira’s work for him.”
His eyes narrow and I ain’t backing down. Let’s show him who’s boss.
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Thanks for reading my first work! More chapters to come- I've got the plot ready, hope you enjoy it :)
(Please reblog and comment if you please- they fuel my passion. Constructive criticism and genuine praise always help too!)
Until next time! CHAPTER 2
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blushblushbear · 2 years ago
Hi there! Can I have some headcanons about how Volks, Anon and Scale would react when they realize they have a crush on someone? And how do you think they would confess pls?
okay so legit I think Volks either doesn't noticed or will not admit to himself that he has a crush
for like
a while
like a while while
somewhere in his dumb little head he's like 'wow, I can't stop thinking about them.... that must mean they're my mortal enemy and my brain is still stuck on how to defeat them'
I legit think he's probably not had too too many good exchanges with people in the past (see my Volks headcanons but short version everyone always wants something from him)
so he legit doesn't understand what he's feeling
I think the realization hits him when it's beyond clear to everyone else that he's completely in love
and it kinda comes out of nowhere from him
like you're talking about something and you just laugh and he realizes, 'oh.'
I think he stops listening at that point cause he's surprised how he never noticed before
and he realizes it isn't out of nowhere, it's been there for a long time
you'd think he'd be upset about it or something but I actually think he's pretty warm and soft about it
at least to himself
when you ask him what's up he gets embarrassed and dodges an accusations that he's acting funny
He's actually pretty nervous and flustered about the whole thing
I actually think he confesses at the end of that day
He's walking you home and just outside your door he kind of just stops and stares
it's a mix of anxious and excited on his face, and he clearly has something he wants to say but he's trying to figure out how to say it
you ask him what's up and he just looks you straight in the eye and says 'I love you.' with no holding back. no restraint. he's the surest he's ever been about anything.
I think the thing that surprises him the most over all is how much he likes being in love
He's not sure if that's normal or if it's cause it's you
oh boy Anon
won't lie he's a little 'oh shit.' when he realizes
I think it takes him about a month
maybe just short of that
once he realizes he accepts it pretty quickly and starts making a plan of attack
he can't afford to screw this up, so he needs to play it out perfectly
(at least so he thinks, dork lol)
like how Anon approaches anything, it's time to do some hard research
More so than what he was already doing unconsciously (looking back, he's kind of mad at himself for not realizing he was going all doki eye'd sooner)
he's researching and planning for about a week and a half, until, finally-- he has the perfect plan
step one is to ask you out in a cute but casual way
very Meet Cute but without the meeting part since you two already know each other (so just cute???)
step two; gank you with the perfect date (which he planned out using his week of research)
If all goes well, he's going to end the evening by asking you if you wanna make this duo permanent
This fucking drama queen
this angst lord
this brood dude with an extra attitude
Scale realizes his feelings pretty quickly and he is in TURMOIL about it
lots of 'alas poor me, I could never tell them how I feel, I could never bring them into such a dangerous world as mine. no, I must walk this path alone'
and on god that shit goes on for like a month
until after a while he notices how well you are surviving just being his friend so he figures, what the hell, let the seduction begin!
(not to mention he was doing a shitty job at keeping away from you anyways and the thought of having to watch from the shadows as you have a passionate romance with someone else kind of pushed his hand more than he will ever admit)
as for how he'd confess--
I think he tries some very cool and daring things that ultimately end up failing
each time he is SURE he's go the perfect act of assassin radness that will practically have YOU confessing to HIM
but every time he gets too nervous and fucks it all up in the end
he is REALLY not used to being this flustered or nervous
after one too many failed attempts he starts getting really pouty
you ask him what's up and he flat out says 'I've been trying to confess my crush to you in a really cool way, but I keep messing everything up!' without realizing that that was basically a confession right there
it actually takes him a beat to realize what he's said
and then he goes into panic mode
he attempts to avoid you but is actually finding it really difficult since you always seem to be able to find him
he'd be more upset about it if this wasn't the exact kind of thing that made him fall for you in the first place
he gets a little swoony at the idea that he can never really hide from you is cause you know him so well
when you eventually do catch up with him you tell him that you like him too
which he gets SUUUUUPER flustered at cause 'Hey! I WANTED TO CONFESS FIRST!'
you laugh, calm him down, take back your confession and then let him confess (first)
and then you confess right back and all is well and you smooch your ninja boyfriend
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trexrambling · 3 years ago
Ooouf I am such a sucker for a good “I didn’t know where else to go”
If it inspires you! 💛
The two, soft raps on your door wake you immediately. Still sleep groggy, both hands already cradling your gun, you slide out of bed and land noiselessly on the carpet. You check your bedside clock - 3:08am - and then cautiously make your way to the window to peek out of the curtains.
A smile finds its way to your lips, but slowly fades as you take in the man standing on your front porch. His forehead leans heavily against the wooden door, one hand resting beside it. You check behind him, out into the long driveway, but only see an empty, moonlit path. No Sam.
You switch the safety on your gun and set it down, brushing your hands over your pajamas and through your messy hair. Then you unlock the door, swing it open, and almost have to catch Dean's whole frame as he falls forward, stumbling into you.
"Whoah, hey, you good?" you grunt out, pushing him back upright and guiding him with a steady hand on his back into your small home. You close the door behind the two of you, sliding the bolts back into place, and turn on a lamp just as he falls onto the couch with a loud grunt.
Well, there isn't any blood. No bruises, scrapes, or monster gunk. You survey him, his head leaned back against the couch cushions, eyes closed, arms folded, long legs extended out. Your nose wrinkles at the scent drifting off of him. "Had a bit to drink, have we?"
He mumbles something not fully coherent, and you sigh. "Where's the Impala? Did you park it down the road?"
"Walked," he replies.
Your eyebrows shoot up. "You walked all the way here?"
He shrugs and settles deeper into the couch.
"Dean, what's going on?"
He lifts his head, finally looks at you for the first time. "I know it's late. I just..." He looks away, rubs a hand on the back of his neck. "I didn't know where else to go."
You lean against the wall, resist the urge to go over and wrap him up in a hug, run your fingers through his hair and just hold him. That's not the type of relationship the two of you have, no matter how much you might want it to be.
"Are you and Sam still fighting?"
He nods, shifts his weight and clears his throat. "Yeah, things with Ruby are...well, they aren't good."
You frown. "Remind me why we haven't ganked that bitch yet?"
A small grin finds his face, and he meets your eyes again. "I ask myself that every damn day."
You can't stop your feet anymore as you cross to the couch, sit down beside him and put a hand in the safest, comforting spot you can find on his knee. "Want some coffee? I can start a pot, we can talk through things."
To your surprise, his hand covers yours, picking it up in his palm and giving a gentle squeeze. He doesn't let go, and you sure as hell don't try to pull away. "Are you good if I crash here? I know I woke you up, you must be tired."
You're anything but tired with his hand holding yours, the heat spreading up your arm, down your back, settling in the base of your spine. You swallow and somehow keep your voice steady. "Yeah, um, of course. You know you're always welcome."
You're trying to figure out how to get him a blanket without letting go of his hand when he suddenly moves, his arm wrapping around your frame, pulling you into his side as he readjusts his position on the couch, turned at an angle so his legs are off the floor. Your head is resting on his chest, your body curled up against his side. Dean's hand rubs up and down your arm, and a long sigh leaves his lips.
"Thanks, Y/N."
You don't dare to move a muscle, just look up at him and listen as his breathing immediately slows, feel him drift off to sleep in a matter of seconds, his heartbeat steady in your ear.
Rather than let your brain overthink what's happening, you just stay there, let his warmth soak into your skin and make the decision that the smell of alcohol is most definitely tolerable for tonight. Because there's no where else in the world you'd rather be right now.
If anyone has a wee Drabble request, I’m very much feeling this list of prompts right now and would love to do some writing! xo
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jumblejen · 3 years ago
Reaching Out
Suptober21 Day 6: Cemetery Boys
“Did I ever tell you about the fan convention thingy? With Chuck and Becky? And the ghosts of those little boys?”
“I don’t think so, Dean.”
“You remember the Supernatural books?”
“Yes, the Winchester Gospels.”
“Whatever. Anyway, Becky that squirrely superfan that married Sam? Well she decided to hold a fan convention for the books. This was after Lucifer was free but before Sam went to hell. And then she used Chuck’s phone to get us to come, made us think it was a case.”
“That must have been surprising when it wasn’t.”
“Yeah it was… something else. Somehow not nearly as disturbing as the musical though.”
“Oh yes. I liked the musical.”
“You weren’t even there!”
“No, but Sam told me about it. And I might have had Charlie scour the internet for a recording.”
“You what?!”
“The songs were very catchy. And I thought their Castiel did an excellent job.”
“That’s our lives. That’s not the point. You know what, never mind.”
“Sorry Dean.”
“So anyway, there wasn’t a case but we stuck around because Chuck asked us to. This was before he was God. Or at least before we knew he was God. And then there was a case.”
“What kind?”
“Ghosts. Ghosts of some little boys and their babysitter or whatever. Ended up having some pretty close calls. We thought it was the babysitter who was the evil one but she was keeping the sadistic kid ghosts in check. Was a whole thing.”
“Sounds complicated.”
“Yeah well…”
“I just keep thinking.”
“About what?”
“About the boys in the cemetery.”
“The dead boys?”
“No, not them.”
“What boys are you talking about then?”
“There were these boys. Guys. Whatever. They helped Sam and me get the ghosts. They were larping as me and Sam and they really saved our bacon. I talked to them the day after it all went down.”
“About what?”
“Tryin’ to convince them that Sam and me were the real Sam and Dean. Don’t think they believed me though.”
“So you’re thinking about two men who helped out on a case more than ten years ago because they didn’t believe you were you?”
“No. I mean, not really. That’s not what I keep thinking about.”
“What are you thinking about then?”
“Well they were together. As a couple. And they met because of the Supernatural books. And the fact that they were together as Sam and me was weird and gave me the heebie-jeebies. But…”
“But what?”
“I keep thinking about how sweet they were. That next morning. I mean they were clearly friends when they were in the cemetery the first time with us. Friends and super not used to the idea that ghosts could be really real. And then after we got trapped in the place they managed to dig the dead boys up and send them on their way and no way we woulda survived very long without them.”
“And I don’t know. I guess I just keep thinking of how they were always in it together. Like they did the larping thing and they were dating or whatever. They saved us together.”
“Do you know what happened to them?”
“Do you wish you did?”
“I don’t know man. It’s just… I was so surprised when they said they were together…”
“And now?”
“Now I wish I could say sorry. Or thank you? I mean I did thank them for stepping up. But just. I want to say thank you.”
“You could try to get Sam to search.”
“Nah. I don’t remember their names. Or where they were from.”
“Do you want to say it out loud anyway? As if they were here?”
“What, like praying?”
“No. Or maybe yes. Maybe you just need to say it out loud.”
“Not very good at that.”
“I hadn’t noticed.”
“Yeah yeah. I deserved that.”
“Yes you did.”
“Though you aren’t great at it either.”
“I was an angel. I had to learn how to be human. What’s your excuse?”
“A shitty upbringing? Coupled with living in a patriarchal society that punishes men for expressing their needs and feelings?”
“You’ve been talking with Claire.”
“Your point?”
“You’ve been listening to Claire.”
“You don’t have to make it sound so impossible.”
“It surprised me.”
“We talk all the time!”
“You talk smack all the time.”
“’Talk smack’?”
“Did I use that wrong?”
“No. But that doesn’t mean you should say it.”
“What would I say? To the air or whatever.”
“Say what you want to express to the men who caught you off guard by being homosexual.”
“You know I had issues.”
“How badly did you panic?”
“I did not panic at all. I may have made it a little awkward.”
“So what would you want to say. To make it not awkward in your head anymore?”
“I… I don’t know. I mean I know, but I don’t know how to say it.”
“Would it hurt to try?”
“It might.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I think it’s the kind of hurt that might help.”
“Well, here goes. Dear guys who larped as Sam and me and were a gay couple. A lot’s happened since I met you. Thanks again for ganking those ghosts in the cemetery. Saved our asses. Which we covered the next day. Sorry about being weird with you. To you. Whatever. After you said you were together. I didn’t really know how to process that because you were larping as me and my brother and that part still skeeves me out. But also, I didn’t know how to see you be that open and together. I didn’t know you could be a gay couple and just be that. Though obviously you could. I guess. I mean, it’s great for you. No that’s not what I mean, I mean it is great for you. To…to have someone. I just didn’t know how to live where people could see me. And to see you…made me have to think about a bunch of stuff I wasn’t really ready to look closely at. In my own heart. But I think about you, and I think about how good you were together. So, uh, anyway. I hope you’re still happy. And together and stuff. And like I said. Thanks.”
“How did that feel?”
“It felt…it felt okay.”
“Then I’m glad you did it.”
“Me too… Hey Cas?”
“Yes Dean?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Do you think it’d be weird to, you know, maybe try to find them?”
“What if they aren’t together? Or…”
“Dead? Yeah, that would be hard. But maybe that’s not what’s important.”
“Then what is important?”
“I was so thrown by the gay thing I didn’t really think about the fact that these dudes now knew that ghosts were real and they only had each other. I shoulda given them my number or looked out for them. Or something. So maybe…maybe I should try to find them. And if they’re still alive. Maybe I can…maybe we can help them. Or whatever.”
“I think that’s a great idea Dean.”
“You do?”
“I do. Come on. Let’s get some sleep. We can talk with Sam in the morning and figure out how to start the search.”
“Thanks Cas. Love you.”
“Love you too Dean. Good night.”
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ffangirlingsince2001 · 4 years ago
Pleasure of the Written Word
Kinktober: Day 21, Sexting
Dean x Reader
A few text messages remind Dean of what he’s missing while he’s away on a hunt.
Warnings: smut, language
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Dean was always missing you. A long time ago, you had both decided it was for the best, that you stay home. He would go out and defeat the monsters that threatened your peace, and you would provide as much information as you could. It was just easier that way. You researched, and he hunted. He was never worried about a djinn kidnapping you or a shapeshifter impersonating you, all he had to worry about was ganking the bad guy and finding his way home to you as quickly as possible.
The case he was currently on was supposed to a be simple salt and burn. That’s how they always started, but now it was two weeks in, and he was getting irritated. He just wanted to go home and see you. Was that so hard to understand? To make matters worse he hadn’t heard from you in a few days.
He was in the middle of downing a shot when he got the first notification in three days. Your beautiful name shining up at him through the neon lights of the bar. He quickly opened it, excitement coursing through his veins.
Y/N: I miss you.
His heart swelled and he quickly responded with a similar message, stepping away from the bar as he awaited your response. He didn’t need booze if you’re name was going to be blinking up at him for the rest of the night.
Y/N: Any idea when you’ll be home?
Dean: I don’t. I’m sorry, Baby.
He could practically hear you sniff in indignation, annoyance blossoming while you marched around the bunker, cursing yourself for not joining him. The thought of your arms crossed, talking loudly to yourself as you fidgeted with a gun made him laugh. He was so lost in his own amusement he almost missed the next text.
Y/N: But my pussy wants you so bad.
He could barely believe his eyes, in fact he rubbed them a couple times to be sure he wasn’t hallucinating. He glanced over at Sam and considered asking him what it said, just to be sure. He threw that idea away pretty quickly, not wanting to risk it if he hadn’t misread. Instead he responded the only way he knew how.
Dean: Really?
Y/N: Yes, it’s so wet, just waiting for you to come home.
This was territory not yet discovered. Sure, you had said some risqué things over text, but never this explicit. You had once admitted it made you feel awkward, typing things that you had only ever whispered in his ear, but here you were. He didn’t know what to say. Like you had said, it came naturally when he was there, your legs spread and welcoming, but it was so incredibly strange like this.
Dean: And what are you going to let me do once I get home?
It was awkward, short, jaunted and begging for her to continue. And the time it took for her to respond was centuries long; however, when she did it was well worth the wait. Because not only did her words entice nerves that had been practically dead for two weeks, a picture had been included. His mouth watered at the sigh of her naked in the mirror save a pair of his favorite lingerie; her fingers dipping beneath the waistband of lace, as if she wasn’t temptation enough.
Y/N: Fuck me until I can’t walk. I want you to make me shake and scream until Sam has to leave because he can’t stand it any longer. And then I’ll let you flip me over and pound me until I’m raw.
Blood rushed to his dick and as subtly as possible he made his way to the car, the closest privacy available to a man who was about to lose control. Sam would understand, or maybe he wouldn’t, but that didn’t really matter to Dean as he undid his belt.
Dean: Is there anything else you want, Baby?
Y/N: I want your dick in my mouth, gagging me until I can’t breathe. I want to taste your salty sweetness until you come and then I want to drink up every drop you have to offer.
Dean: Yeah, Baby? You wanna suck my dick?
Y/N: I want to worship your dick.
His fingers tightened around his dick at her response and he began to pump, groaning softly to himself. He prayed the windows were tinted enough that no one would be able to tell. Another notification appeared and he was quick to open it, moaning allowed at the sight of another picture. You had abandoned the lace and now stood completely nude, perky breasts and the small mound of flesh he so longed to fill all available for him to see. And your fingers must have been working among the folds since you had first texted him because your lips were parted, eyes shut as you gasped. Another rush of blood filled his dick. He had never been so jealous of your fingers, allowed to touch you when he was 100 miles away. When he got home he was going to tie up those hands and ravish you, without those pesky fingers getting in the way.
Dean: Keep going baby im clos
That’s all he managed as his fingers began to shake from the orgasmic pleasure that was rearing its beautiful head as pumped.
Y/N: me too, me too
All it took was his imagination of you gasping those words, your sweet pussy taking place of his hand as you came and he was done for. His hips bucked forward as he finished, breathing heavily as he struggled to reply.
Dean: I can’t wait to get home to you, Baby.
The last picture she sent was of her face in post orgasmic bliss, those soft fingers he envied toying with her lips.
Y/N: Me too
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ejlovespie · 4 years ago
Crazed (Pt. 1)
Pt. 1 of this series.
Fandom: Supernatural 
Summary: A hunt gone wrong leaves you with a hex that drives you and Dean crazy with lust.  
Pairing: Dean x reader 
Word Count: 2016
Warnings: 18+ Please do not read this if you are underage. Language, smut, female & male masturbation with more to come...
You were starting to seriously regret going on this hunt. Sitting in the back seat of the impala, you and the Winchester boys were driving back to the bunker after what you had thought was a successful hunt. After three days you had found and ganked the witch who was causing men in the area to literally go crazy with lust. The witch had a vendetta on men and her favorite flavor was married cheaters. If you were being honest with yourself you understood her anger. A woman scorned and all. However, these guys didn’t deserve to die in the way they did...And now you were thinking you were screwed too. 
During the big showdown, the witch had gotten the drop on them. She knew they were coming for her so she was ready when they got there. She had immediately incapacitated Sam, who was lying on the floor in the corner. Then she had gone for Dean; putting him in a choke hold. You stepped in, stabbing the bitch in the back to get her off but unfortunately for you, she mumbled an incantation at you before the lights went out. At first, nothing happened so you had hoped you had gotten lucky. The witch messed up or she didn’t have enough juice left to give her words power. It took about an hour for you to feel anything. 
The three of you were headed back, dirty and disheveled from the fight, when a tingling heat started up in your belly. It was low and simmering, leaving you a little breathless but it wasn’t painful, just unexpected and odd. It was actually kind of pleasant but after a few minutes it started to ramp up. Little by little, the tingling was changing and turning into an ache. That combined with being in a small confined space with the two big hunters was starting to frazzle you. The smell in the car was suddenly too much. A mix of gunpowder, gasoline, leather, and the boy’s musky scents didn’t sound like a pleasant combination but you had always liked it. Except it was way too potent now. Filling your nose and making you a little light headed. On top of that, you were way too hot, despite the cold temperature outside. Rolling down the window, you practically stuck your face out like a dog to get some fresh air. You started fidgeting in your seat as the ache kept growing and you became aware of the new wetness in-between your thighs. Why wasn’t the cold air helping? 
Dean had noticed all your fidgeting and weird panting. Starting to worry that you were hurt or feeling ill, he turned his head to look at you and said, 
“You okay back there sweetheart?”   
Dean’s deep, gravelly voice was too much and it caused a reaction in you that you hadn’t expected. His voice made the tingly, aching heat in your belly change into tiny bolts of lust. Gasping, you struggled to breathe without panting and responded as calmly as possible, 
“I’m fine. It’s just hot in here.” 
Sam had been reading something on his phone, oblivious to the situation but now he looked over at his brother, a frown on his face. They were in the middle of a Kansas winter and it was cold in the car, despite the heat being turned on. The boys exchanged confused looks before Sam finally turned around to look at you. 
Sam looked at you and instantly knew something was wrong. He noted your flushed cheeks and the light beads of sweat above your lip and brow. He noticed your fidgeting and your quiet but heavy breaths. When you looked up at him Sam’s eyes went wide with surprise. He saw that your Y/E/C eyes had gone completely dark. Your pupils were blown and a heavy expression filled them. Although he hadn’t seen you like this before, he knew it was desire. 
You quickly turned your face away from Sam and looked back out at the window. Where were we? How long of a drive would it be until you got back to the bunker? It felt like hours had past but you were struggling to concentrate on anything besides what was happening to your body.
Sam was definitely worried now and turned back to Dean. 
“Dean, stop the car.” 
You barely heard Sam’s voice and you didn’t register the car pulling off to the side of the road until Dean had parked. Dean gave Sam an annoyed look and then glanced back at you. His green eyes suddenly went wide and his mouth dropped open. Normally, it would have been funny but now you had the focused attention of both Winchester boys and it was devastating to your body. It was too much and your panties were now soaked. You knew if you stood up, there would be a noticeable wet spot on your jeans. Dean’s mouth snapped shut and then he said in a low, husky voice, 
“Y/N what’s going on?” 
You could smell your arousal now and that thought didn’t even have the time to to embarrass you before it happened. The tiny bolts of lust suddenly ramped up again and a full on orgasm struck you. You came fast and hard, pure lust jolting your body and without permission, a cry left your lips. 
Now, both of the Winchester’s eyes went cartoon-ishly wide and their mouths dropped open. Y/N’s eyes slammed shut as her hands gripped the backseat of the impala and a cry of pleasure ripped from her lips. Dean choked on what he was about to say when the most sexual sound he had ever heard came out of Y/N’s mouth. Did she just have an orgasm because that’s what it looked and sounded like. Was that even possible? Not even a second after he thought it, her smell filled his nose. Her musky and sweet sex smell was surrounding him and he was so shocked his brain had short circuited. Without thought, Dean’s hand automatically went to his hardening cock. Suddenly, Sam jumped out of the car simultaneously feeling freaked out and turned on. Why was this happening?
After the orgasm, you had a moment of clarity. Loosening your death grip on the seat cushion you opened your eyes to see Dean’s dark green stare. His thick lips were parted now and his voice was low and seductive when he said, 
“Did you just have an orgasm in my backseat?” 
The lust in your belly had cooled but now you felt the entire process happening all over again. You realized your nipples were rock hard and rubbing painfully against the fabric of your cheap cotton bra. Suddenly, Sam opened the door and leaned in to look at you more closely. 
“The witch. Did she say anything to you before you killed her?” 
Oh Shit. With how distracted you had become you had completely forgotten about the witch and what she had said to you. 
“Yes. She mumbled something before she died but I didn’t catch all of what she said.”
The heat in your belly was ramping up again, faster this time and you closed your eyes. Taking deep and slow breaths. You focused and repeated the words you could remember the witch saying to you. Sam asked you if she had touched you or if she had slipped a hex bag into your pocket and you shook your head. Sam spoke again. 
“Y/N, she must have hexed you. The guys she killed were dying because they were driven crazy by lust and I think the same thing is happening to you.”
You weren't hearing his words anymore and Sam was too close. The mix of his natural musky smell and the hint of his cologne was filling your nose and driving you crazy. You tried fighting the feeling inside you but you had been unconsciously leaning towards Sam. Without thought, you reached for his hand, grabbing it and bringing it to your breast. Sam jerked and pulled away from you causing his fingers to graze over your hardened nipple. You moaned loudly and whined when he backed away. Sam took several steps back, his face on fire and his jeans too tight for comfort. His best friend was in trouble and he couldn’t focus long enough to help her. 
Dean on the other hand watched the whole encounter and was pissed. He had always imagined what it would be like. Usually at night, alone in his bed with his hand wrapped around his cock. He would picture Y/N and imagine the way she would look when her beautiful Y/E/C eyes filled with desire and he would wrap his hands in her Y/H/C hair and fuck her until she came for him. He had dreamed about the sounds she would make and the way she would taste and how she would open up for him. Now, he was finally seeing his fantasy come to life and it was all wrong. 
Dean jumped out of the car too and stomped over to Sam. 
“This is bad Sammy. The bitch is dead so why is the hex working on her?” 
You were vaguely aware that the boys were outside and it sounded like they were arguing. Shit. Shit. Shit. The witch really fucked you over. At this point you were starting to loose control again and the ache was consuming you. Your brain wasn’t working right. You touched yourself against your jeans and it felt so good that you started to rub yourself through the fabric. The pleasure was so intense, that you didn’t notice Dean walk back over to you until your eyes flew open and you saw him staring at you. His expression was dark and so sexy. He was leaning towards you in the back of the impala. His large presence and delicious smell combined with the movement of your hand had another orgasm tearing through you. Another loud cry escaped your lips and this time the waves of pleasure kept ripping through you, intensified by Dean’s hungry look. You were moaning and panting now, unable to stop the feeling inside of you. Biting your lip you stared and Dean and he stared back at you with a look you had never seen before. 
“Dean. I..It won’t stop...I can’t control myself. Wh..Whatever that bitch did to me, It..it’s going to keep getting worse.”  
You panted the words out in between heavy breaths. Dean wanted to lay his hand on your cheek and tell you it would be okay but he was afraid to touch you. Scratch that. He wanted to do a lot more than that but he took a deep breath and reigned in his desire.  
“Don’t worry sweetheart. We are going to get you home and figure this out.” 
With superhuman strength, Dean backed up, called Sam over and got back in the driver’s seat. For the next few hours, they drove home and it was unbearably tense. The car smelled like sex, even with all of the windows rolled down. Y/N had been making an effort to keep her panting and sexy moaning as quiet as possible but every small sound was deafening to Dean’s ears. He turned some music on to help distract them all but regardless, they sat with their teeth gritted. Every time she came she would cry out and it took everything he had in him to keep driving and ignore her. At one point it became too much and they had to pull over to put hand cuffs on Y/N to keep her from rubbing herself. 
When they finally got back to the bunker, Y/N had finally tired herself out a bit and was mewling in her sleep. Dean gently carried her to her room, settling her into bed before quickly leaving. Finally, he couldn’t help himself anymore. He stripped out of his clothes, locked himself in the bathroom, and imagined her and the noises he had been listening to all night. Turning on the shower he didn’t wait for the water to heat before he jumped in and fisted his throbbing cock. Under the icy cold water, Dean stroked himself until he came hard and fast, groaning in frustration that he wasn’t coming with her.
To be Continued...
A/N: This is my first fan fiction so I am nervous but really excited to share it with you. I would love to hear any feedback you have to give. Any mistakes are mine. Thank you for reading! :)  
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castiel-kline · 4 years ago
happy birthday @angelfishofthelord !!!
here’s Cas being Old and talking about dinosaurs to hopefully make you smile <3
“Hey, there you are!”
Castiel is tucked in a corner of the library when Dean’s voice startles him out of the book he’s reading. He stands up, a million things that could have gone wrong racing through his imagination at top speed.
“Dean. Is everything alright?”
He waves a hand in dismissal. “Yeah, no worries. Me, Sam and Jack are gonna watch Jurassic Park. You wanna join us?”
Castiel wrinkles his nose. He’s seen stills from that movie, and those plus the references Dean has made to it over the years make it sound like an inaccuracy-riddled insult to the beautiful creatures he once watched over.
But Cas has never been one to refuse time with his family, so he follows Dean through the bunker’s halls and takes a seat next to Jack on the sofa.
Sam passes him a bowl of popcorn.
“You made it!” he says, looking uncharacteristically relaxed. It’s… nice.
“Of course,” Castiel says, passing the popcorn to Jack’s eager hands and returning the boy’s smile. He’ll enjoy it more than Cas will. He cares much more about the people than the snacks or the film, anyway.
He takes in Sam’s easy smile again, and the calm in Dean’s posture where he stands preparing the DVD. Even Jack looks toward the blank television screen in excited anticipation, despite having learned by now not to trust Dean’s taste in cinema. Jack much preferred getting to explore films on his own, and Castiel was always thrilled to be included in his late night Netflix adventures.
He clears his throat, unsure why he’s so nervous. He does like dinosaurs, after all. “So… you like this movie, right?”
“Hell yeah we do,” Dean says. “Sam and I watched it in theaters when it first came out. He wouldn’t shut up about velociraptors for months.”
“I was ten,” Sam protests, pink creeping across his cheeks. “Besides, it wasn’t even velociraptors. It was... dilophosaurus.” He’d trailed off into a barely audible mumble in his embarrassment, but it was still loud enough for Dean to hear.
“Oh, that’s right!” he laughs, eyes alight with the delighted gleam of a sibling collecting ammunition to tease with. “He’d sit in the library for hours searching for any mention of the damn thing. I always said he’d be better off with a T. Rex obsession like a normal kid, but no-o.”
Castiel leans over, nodding in Sam’s direction. “Well, I think dilophosaurus is a very good choice of favorite dinosaur.”
Sam looks surprised, and Jack, who’d been watching the conversation like a tennis match, looks to Cas directly.
“You know about dinosaurs?”
Castiel frowns, confused. “Yeah, of course I do.”
They’re cut off by Dean, who keeps talking as he’s sitting down on Jack’s other side with the remote control.
“Could’ve sworn we watched this one with you before, Cas. When we found it at that movie rental place in Minnesota, after that ghoul hunt?”
“We would’ve,” says Sam, tone caked in playful bitterness. “But you wanted to get Mars Attacks instead, remember?”
Dean looks a bit sheepish. “Hey, sometimes you need a good B movie after a day of ganking monsters. Today, though, we gotta get the kid another check off the list of Spielberg must-sees, right? Cas, too. We’ve waited long enough as is.”
Castiel has just enough time to hope once more that this movie is of a better quality than many of Dean’s other favorites, and then his thoughts are swept away by the opening sequence lighting up the television.
Jack enjoyed the movie immensely. He liked the scares and the way it made his heart beat faster. He liked the way Dr. Grant was so protective of the kids. Most of all, of course, he liked the dinosaurs.
He’d found a book about them the other day when he was cleaning in the library with Sam, and when Dean overheard their conversation he immediately suggested this movie.
Jack thought Cas would be just as interested in dinosaurs as he was, but the angel spent the whole movie with a frown on his face and a furrow between his eyes.
As the brothers stand up, Dean to turn on the lights and Sam to collect the empty snack bowls, Jack nudges Cas’ arm with his elbow.
“Are you okay?”
Cas meets Jack’s gaze with gentle eyes.
“I’m fine. I- I thought that the ending was a bit sad.”
Jack frowns. “How was it sad? Almost everyone got off the island.”
“That’s not…” Cas shakes his head, and takes a moment to compose himself before giving Jack a small smile. “You don’t need to worry about me, Jack. It just made me remember when the dinosaurs died.”
Shocked silence falls upon the room like a fog. Jack knows he’s gaping in disbelief, and feels Sam and Dean doing the same.
Cas glances around, taking in everyone’s surprise. “What’s wrong?”
“Dude,” Dean says. “Did you… are you…”
“Were you really there when the dinosaurs died?” Sam manages, sounding strained.
Cas answers slowly, eyes narrowed. “Yes? It was very sad, but it was a long time ago. I’ve had time to mourn.”
“But you were there!” Dean repeats, dumbfounded. Cas continues staring.
“Yes, Dean, I was there.”
“I mean, what- what was it like?” Sam asks, wonder in his eyes.
“Well, um. It was hot. And fiery.”
“It was hot and fiery,” Dean says, broken record. “Wow.”
“I don’t understand. Why are you… why is this such a surprise? I thought the dinosaurs’ extinction was common knowledge.”
“Yeah, but talking to someone who saw it is… it’s amazing,” Sam says. If he wasn’t holding the butter-greased popcorn bowls, Jack is sure he would be gesturing every which way. “Why didn’t you tell us about it before?”
Cas blinks. “I didn’t know that you were interested. I thought if you wanted to know, you’d just ask me.”
“Dude. We didn’t know we could ask! I mean, we knew you were older than the pyramids, but the dinosaurs? That’s, what, fifty million years?”
“Sixty-five,” chime Sam and Jack, in unison.
“Wait a minute, how old do you think I am?”
That gives them pause. Jack exchanges hopeless glances with Sam and Dean, the three of them clambering for any exact number in the recesses of their minds. Jack draws a blank, both because Cas doesn’t really talk about his past and because time is a little twisted for him to begin with.
He knows he’s almost two, and that two years is not a long time, but to Jack it feels like forever.
He knows his mother was thirty-nine when she died, and he knows Sam and Dean are hovering somewhere near forty. Cas has lived millions of years, and though Jack can’t quite wrap his mind around that vast length of time, he knows that makes Cas near eternal. Like Jack’s supposed to grow up to be.
Oddly, it’s a comforting thought.
“How old are you?” He asks it to put an end to the silence, and because he’s realized he really wants to know the answer.
Cas hesitates, brow creasing in thought. “It’s hard to say. The first thing I really remember is the tiktaalik, so I suppose that makes me…”
“Holy shit,” Sam breathes. He must know what the tiktaalik is, Jack thinks. He’ll have to ask about it later.
“Three and a half billion. Approximately,” Castiel finishes.
Jack can almost hear Dean’s jaw hit the floor.
“That old, huh?” Dean asks. His voice is strained, and he sounds faint.
“I might be closer to four billion, actually,” Cas muses.
“Okay, whoa,” Sam interjects, before Dean’s brain melts entirely. “That’s… that’s really impressive, Cas.”
“I- really?”
“Yeah, man,” Dean manages. But Cas still doesn’t look convinced, so Jack speaks up.
“You’re prehistoric!” he says. “I think that’s really special.”
Cas takes a long moment to respond, inexplicably looking younger as he processes their praise. It’s like a weight has been lifted from his shoulders- like for the first time in eons he feels like the years behind him, drenched in blood and pain and regret as they are, can be a gift rather than a curse.
Sam and Dean clap Castiel on the shoulder and take their leave from the room, the elder brother murmuring something about “antique angels” as they go.
Jack steps closer to Cas, clearing his throat.
“I, um. I found a book about dinosaurs the other day. Dean said that this movie would be educational, but… I was wondering if you could tell me about them? I don’t think I learned very much.”
“I would be happy to.” Cas smiles, reaching out to squeeze Jack’s shoulder. “This film wasn’t very accurate, anyway.”
“Really? How?”
“Well, for one thing, most of those dinosaurs didn’t even live during the same millennium. And they weren’t nearly so lizard-like. They had feathers.”
Jack responds in kind, whispering conspiratorially: “Like birds?”
“Sort of. Come on, I’ll draw some for you.”
Jack follows his father out of the room, smiling from ear to ear. Though the full scope of Castiel’s age remains far beyond his comprehension, Jack thinks it’s incredible. With all those years behind him, it’s no wonder that Cas is such a good parent.
Time is a teacher, and Cas has had a long life in which to learn. He has so much wisdom to share- and it’s not all about the dinosaurs, not because of the things he’s seen or the battles he’s won.
No, Castiel shines brighter than the most beautiful of stars. It’s a brilliance that comes from the inside out, forged through fire and pain and a heart stronger than diamond no matter how many times it’s broken.
Castiel shines with four billion years of love.
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hairycooterlips69 · 5 years ago
Service with a Smile
Howdy y’all, I had a wild hair up my ass to write a fanfic. It’s my first one, be gentle 😅 I’m obsessed with Hawks so I hope I do him proud. Also I was gonna name it Kentucky Fried Fuckin but i don’t wanna be ganked by the Colonel so... Takami Keigo x Fem!Reader
word count : 4k
[ (nsfw 18+) ]  
Warnings: edging, fingering, soft dom/sub, oral sex, nipple play, anal play, choking, unprotected sex
yuhh, get into it~
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Tonight’s shift couldn’t get any worse.
As you glance at your watch, you internally groan after realizing that you had been on your feet for the last 8 hours stuck behind a cash register. Between some brat spilling juice not once, but twice, on the floor you mopped, a woman berating you for not having any more barbeque sauce, and your closing partner quitting the night before, you were at your wit’s end. Working at a fried chicken shop wasn’t the most glamourous place of employment, but it paid the bills and your quirk did come in handy. Your empathic quirk allowed you to ease the negative emotions of others with the cost of others’ emotions somewhat rubbing off on you. While customers left satisfied and in good spirits, most nights you were left feeling exhausted and impatient. Well at least there’s only 5 minutes until close, you contemplate, mentally preparing yourself to clean and lock up the store.
Lost in thoughts, you hear a soft jingling and the thudding of boots against the tiled floor. “Heyo~, are you guys still open?” The first thing you notice about this customer is his ruby-red wings. Upon further inspection, you see that he is wearing a black body suit, beige pants, and a fur-trimmed coat accessorized with protective glasses and headgear, along with some pompous, feathery hairstyle. You felt as if this person was familiar. I mean, how could you not recognize a guy with massive birdlike appendages? You must have seen him somewhere, maybe around the city or at a bar. Or maybe you’ve seen him at the park, or maybe at the –
“Uh, hello. Earth to Y/N. Sorry for coming in so late, but I’ve been patrolling the area tonight and it seemed like this place was still open. I get pretty hungry around this time. Will you be able to serve me?” You snap back to reality, your cheeks tinged in embarrassment. “How do you know my name? D-do I know you?” you stammer. “Well, I read your nametag. But if you want to get to know me, you most certainly can, kid.” he quipped cheekily. What an ass. Your embarrassment quickly turned into annoyance, but you swallowed your pride and politely responded “yes sir, we are still open. How can I help you?” “Sir? I like that. Well, you can start me off with a four-piece meal and a soda, and after I’m done eating you can help me by giving me your number.” You audibly gasp, astounded at the audacity of this honey-haired jerk. Without a word, you quickly turned on your heels to put together the combo and get away from this man.
He must have noticed how upset you were as you placed his food on the counter rather abruptly. His expression softened from a cocky grin to a repentant half-smile. “I apologize if I’ve offended you. It’s just that I get pretty bored protecting the city and lurking on top of buildings. It’s nice to have some human contact, even if it’s teasing the cutie working at a fried chicken shop.” If you weren’t already flustered before, your face blushed crimson red yet again. Without the arrogance, you notice that this stranger was cherubically handsome, donning bushy blonde eyebrows, golden, catlike eyes, and the beginnings of scruffy facial hair. He must have been around your age or maybe a couple years older. You could tell that he was in almost, if not completely, perfect physical shape by the way his body suit hugged his chest. You hated to admit it, but his flirting was actually coaxing you out of your previously terrible mood. You manually willed yourself to reply, retorting “yeah, well don’t vigilantes like you have anything better to do than harassing a stranger while at work?” “Ouch, kid. A vigilante? Try number-two Pro Hero. I guess that’s what I get for coming in so late and giving you a tough time. I go by Hawks, but the name is Takami Keigo. But, I prefer if you call me yours for the evening.” At this point you couldn’t help but laugh at his boldness. After catching your breath, you responded “Alright Big Bird, enjoy your meal. Just please don’t leave too much of a mess, I already have to wait for you to finish so I can clean up and get the hell out of here.” For a split second, you saw his face twitch in an unreadable manner before his switching back to seasoned professionality. “Ah, of course. I won’t be too long. Thank you again y/n for the food. I’m sure it will be delicious.”
Your eyes followed him as he walked to the table and sat down, wings folding flat to his back as he prepared to dig in. You watched him as he removed his gloves, finger by finger. You couldn’t help but notice how long and graceful they were. Carefully, he teared apart slivers of each piece of chicken before bringing the greasy bits to his mouth. As he prepared his food, he would often glance up at you only to avoid your eyes and look back down at his food. What was with those looks he keeps giving me? It was almost like I angered him, or got offended by what I said, you mused to yourself. I’ll just activate my quirk. That way if he’s pissed, I can smooth things over. I don’t need to be bitched at by the manager again. With slight concentration, you activated your quirk. Suddenly you could feel what he felt – hunger. Besides this, there was another feeling. Similar to hunger, combined with a dull, growing ache. It almost felt like – yearning? Or something more? Once realizing the feeling, you quickly ducked your head. This bastard was aroused! You felt conflicted. He must be feeling confused by what I said to him, but also… I think he enjoyed it? You begin to feel a warming sensation in your midsection. Damnit, I think he is aroused. I’m starting to feel it too. Why would a Pro Hero be interested in someone who’s been covered in grease and sweat all day? You start to feel a little self-conscious at this point. There was no way that he couldn’t smell all the herbs and spices permeating off your overworked body. I smell like the deep fryer and I’m starting to thirst over some big-shot hero. I need to distract myself. “Hey, Hawks? If it’s alright with you, I’m gonna start cleaning up a bit.”
Hawks barely glanced at you as he responded “sure kid, do what you need to do. Don’t stop on my account.” You grabbed a rag and started to wipe down the tables with practiced ease. You closed on most nights and were able to get the store tidied up within 30 minutes or so. This night was different though, and you were somewhat nervous doing your nightly tasks as Hawks observed your work. When your back was turned, you could still sense eyes on you along with the steadily growing ache emitting from the Pro Hero and your own growing desire welling from within your body. Shit, the fact that he’s turned on right now is insane. I guess it is a compliment, he’s hot as hell. I actually kind of like it, you admitted to yourself. This realization combined with your quirk stirred up your own desire of being touched, and the growing warmth of arousal spread through your body like a slow burn. The more you attempted to distract yourself by sweeping the floor and wiping down tables, the deeper this yearning grew. Your watch indicated that it was definitely past the time you normally locked up and left. Fuck, I’m super turned on. What’s with him? And what’s up with me? You decide that you would quash this feeling right then and there. “Hey Hawks, are you okay? Cuz it’s getting late and I-“
As you turned around, you saw the Pro Hero had been standing a few feet behind you, wings fluttering rhythmically to the beat of his pulse. “You know, no one’s ever insulted me like that before and yeah, kid, it was cute, but it was also incredibly rude.” Before you could react, Hawks reached up and grazed the left side of your face with his right hand. “Now, how are you going to make it up to me?”
“I, uh- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. It’s just-“
“Just what?”
“I can feel you. I mean, I can feel what you feel, that’s my quirk and obviously you didn’t know that but I’m sensing that you’re-“
“You can sense how I feel, at this moment? Tell me, kid. Let’s see how accurate that quirk of yours is.”
“Well, um… earlier after I called you Big Bird and I got a vibe that you were annoyed but also intrigued? Also, uh – when you were eating and I was cleaning up, I kind of got the feeling that you were interested… in that way.”
“’That way?’ And what way would that be?”
You could tell that Hawks took pleasure in watching you squirm and shade brighter than his pinions. “That way. You know, an… intimate sort of feeling.”
You flinched, expecting Hawks to jerk his hand away from you and walk off in disgust. Instead, a sly, borderline wicked grin began to spread across his face. “Now that’s an impressive quirk. What if I told you that you were correct in that I am turned on by you? In fact, the more I watch you, the more I want to touch every single part of your body and own that delicious ass of yours.” He stepped closer, inches away from you, and began to trail his hand from your cheek down to the nape of your neck. You barely registered Hawks’ wings spreading out and almost immersing the two of you. “You can feel what I feel, right? So that can only mean that you want me almost as badly as I want you. If you let me, I’ll be more than happy to satisfy us both.” Hawks must have misread the look of disbelief slapped across your face. He backtracked, “Was that too far, kid?”
“N-no. Keep going. I want this.”
You had barely finished your sentence when the pro hero lunged forward, pushing his lips against your own with the urgency of a rabid animal. You quickly returned his kiss with equal hunger, pressing back against the soft, inviting landscape of his mouth. Lip-locked and frenzied, you felt him slowly run his hands down the side of your body and onto your hips, grasping them so intensely you felt his nails dig into your skin sending small shocks of pleasure directly to your core. You unconsciously leaned your hips toward, your body responding to the sensation building within your intimacy. You felt the pressure of Hawks’ reciprocating excitement against your leg as he moaned at the growing constraint between his manhood and his uniform.
“Y/n, are you sure you’re up for this? Because I can’t hold back much longer. I would cut my wings off just to flip you onto that counter and ram the shit out of you until you beg me to stop making you cum.”
“Call me Keigo, fuck. Call me Keigo, I want to hear you scream my name at the top of your lungs.”
“Keigo, shut the hell up and do what you said. Please just fuck me already.”
He practically flung you across the store, wrapping you up in a tight, muscular embrace with his vibrant, elongated wings beating erratically. Hawks placed you on the counter rather gently, attaching himself to your mouth again. You could feel his tongue softly graze your bottom lip in an attempt to explore you. Ever so slightly, your lips parted to meet his tongue in a battle for dominance. Hawks eventually overpowered you, and you could slightly taste the remnants of his meal as he ran his tongue vertically against the sinew of your cheeks. While Hawks commanded your mouth, you used your knee to tease and stimulate his aching member, pre-cum threatening to bleed through his pants. “Hrrnh, y/n. My cock is practically begging for you,” he groaned. You responded, “for someone who wants to fuck me senseless, you sure are taking your sweet ass time.”
Charged by your smart remark, he pulled away from your lips to focus on his next mission: undressing you before you could even open your mouth to land some other sarcastic comment. With surprising dexterity, he peeled off your shirt and pants while you worked on unclasping your bra. Keigo paused to admire your bare chest. “God y/n, as if you weren’t already looking like a five-course meal. I just might have to devour you until there’s nothing left.” Before you could come up with another response, Hawks enveloped his eager mouth to your right nipple while reaching to attend to your left bud. He began to suck rhythmically as if attuned to your wildly beating heart, lazily switching from massaging your left nipple between his graceful fingers to rubbing it in a clockwise fashion. You groaned animalistically into his ear, clenching your vaginal muscles and grinding your heat against the corner of the counter in desperation.
“Keigo, stop fucking teasing me. Please do something, you’re driving me crazy.”
Obliging, Hawks abandoned your left nipple to pull your drenched panties to one side of your private area. “Jeez, kid, you’re practically drooling down there. I wonder how wet for me you’ll get once I stick my fingers inside that pretty pussy.” Something about the snarky comment sent you over the edge. It was as if something inside your brain snapped, and the need to control this bird-brained asshole overtook you. Oh, I’m gonna give this fucker a show, you mused. You grabbed Keigo’s wrist and shoved it directly inside your clenched hole, violently abusing his fingers akin to a human dildo to escalate your pleasure. Hawks’ mouth practically dropped to the floor, his gaze shifting frantically from you using him as your fuck toy to the canvas of your naked body.
“Holy fuck, kid. That’s so goddamn hot. You really are such a slut, fucking yourself with my own hand. God, y/n. I want to be inside you so fucking bad.”
“That sounds like a personal problem,” you huffed. “Now take off your clothes while you watch me play with myself.”
You grabbed his wrist again to remove his fingers, replacing them with your own to appease the gnawing desire. “Don’t look away from me, Keigo. Make direct eye contact, or I’ll kick your ass out of here with nothing but a pulsating cock and a hope for a wet dream about me.” Hawks quickly stripped down to his boxers, awaiting eagerly for your next demand. You could see the evident staining where the fabric was constricting his shaft. “Such an obedient pigeon,” you purred. “Now stroke your cock slowly like the good little bird boy you are.” His right hand began to slip down the band of his tightening boxers. “Ah-ah-ah, I said to take off your clothes. I didn’t say you could take it out and touch it. Now I’ll allow you to jerk it outside of your boxers.”
“Fuck, kid. Who the hell are you talking to like that? I don’t like that bratty ass attitude you have. I may just have to sh-”
You interrupted his monologue to jump off the counter and engulf his clothed manhood as deeply as your throat would allow. Even as it threatened to touch the back of your esophagus, you could see that you weren’t able to completely fill it with your mouth. You worked quickly to moisten his stiff cock. He moaned and grabbed the base of your head as you proceeded to bob back and forth, driving him insane by your refusal to let him be in charge.
“You filthy whore. If you’re gonna suck me off at least do it properly.” Hawks was growing feral with desire to feel your slobbery mouth on the skin of his member. “I guess you have been a good birdie. Here, I’ll make this easier for you.” You removed him from your mouth long enough to yank down his underwear and return to his massive source of heat. You grabbed Keigo’s cockhead and placed it strategically between your lips, outlining the contours of your mouth and using his wetness as a lipliner. “Fuuuck, you are so good, so good to me baby bird,” he whimpered pathetically before taking him inside your mouth once again. You continued to pleasure him with an absurd amount of oral pressure and saliva which began to leak out the corners of your lips. After a couple minutes of sucking him off, you felt him start to quiver. “Ungh, y/n. I’m about to cum.”
You immediately pulled away. There was no way in hell Hawks was going to come in the store and take up your time without getting you off. “It’s my turn now Keigo. You talked all that shit and now I want to see what you can do. I doubt you’ll be able to get me to cum.” As you planned, this lit a fire under Takami’s ass to drill you harder than an army sergeant. Without a word, Hawks yanked you up from the roots of your hair, shredded off your panties, and proceeded to flip you on top of the counter with your dripping cunt exposed in the air.
“You’ll regret you said that. You’re about to sing my name until your pussy screams and it’ll be music to my ears. I’m gonna make you my dirty little songbird bitch.”
Your heart was racing as you were sprawled out on the counter, your most intimate parts displayed for Hawks’ viewing. You began to turn your head to face him when you felt a strong grip on the base of your scalp again. “I didn’t say you could look at me. Now turn back around or I’ll leave you with a sopping cunt and a hope for a wet dream,” Hawks mimicked. You regretted being so saucy with him before; he now had the upper hand but at the same time, you felt a wicked delight at what was in store. You could feel him tracing the outer folds of your womanhood meticulously and painfully slow before sliding upwards to reach the sensitive skin on your asshole. You involuntarily twitched as he touched this spot, not used to this area being so vulnerable. “It looks like I found your weak spot, baby bird. I think it’s time to show you what happens to bratty bitches who talk so impolitely to me.” You heard a soft whoosh from behind you, similar to a sailing dart. You gasped in shock as you felt the tip of a feather tickling your rim as two fingers began to penetrate the saturation built up in your twinging cunt. Hawks continued this assault as he began to fist his own member using the slick he swiped from your saturated hole, picking up speed to pump synchronously with his digits. “Shit, y/n. I can’t hold out much longer, your slutty pussy is soaking my hand. I want to feel how wet you are. Are you gonna be a good girl and let me fill you with my cum?”
“Keigo, PLEASE! Please fuck me, I can’t take this anymore, ahh-. I’m begging you, I want you to stuff me with your fat cock.”  
Hawks countered your begging by shoving his length into your sopping cavern. You cried out with a mixture of surprise and pain as he began to pump into you with determination. You could feel your walls clamp down on his manhood as he massaged your insides. Despite your best efforts, you couldn’t help but to moan, your mind succumbing to the overwhelming pleasure you felt in your overheating pussy. Hawks felt like absolute nirvana, reaching parts of you that had not been touched in a very long time. He continued his strides in an exaggerated manner, ensuring that you felt every single inch of him from the base all the way to his engorged cockhead. Your wails of satisfaction began to match the reverberation of Keigo’s swollen balls slapping against your perineum, applauding the unification of two strangers and their primitive needs.  “I told you, baby bird. I knew my cock would drive you insane. Who’s your owner now? Tell me, huh? I want you to say it, to scream it at the top of your lungs. Who’s fucking up this tight cunt, yeah? Who’s filling this slutty little hole of yours, songbird?”
“You are, Keigo, fuck. Fuck the shit out of me, please. Keep ramming my pussy, baby. I’m you-” He cut off your anguished whines by shoving his fingers in your mouth, forcing you to taste your own slick mixed with the flavors of his earlier meal. “Y/N, you sure are talkative for someone who can barely handle a cock inside her. Is papa bird too big for you to handle?”
“What was that, filthy girl? You’re mumbling.”
Hawks began to hammer into you, his breathing becoming ragged; the way you took such brutal pounding threatened to buckle his knees. He took his fingers out of your mouth so you could scream “I said, HARDER, you bastard!” You couldn’t help but to whine as he continued to fill your ears with lewd comments and grunts, his rhythm beginning to slightly falter with each clench as he fought to reach your cervix. You attempted to regain regularity in your breathing to no avail.
“Aah, aah, fuck Keigo. This is your pussy, don’t stop. Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
“Shit baby bird, you’re so fucking tight it hurts. Fuck, I’m gonna fill you with all my seed. You’re gonna be begging for my cock from now on out and I’ll make sure to give it to you every night. Now cum for me, baby. Sing me a song, songbird. I wanna hear you fucking say whose cock is claiming your pussy!” The screech you let out was inhumane, your legs shaking savagely as a deep, almost painful orgasm rippled from your center. The lilt of your voice sent Hawks into a frenzy, his thrusts becoming unstable and jolting as he moaned your name. You saw Hawks’ eyes begin to glaze over and saw your opportunity to attack. You turned to reach for his throat and pressed firmly with your thumb and index finger with just enough pressure to surprise him, cutting him off mid-groan. “Awhk, f-feels sh-so good. Almost th-there.” You wrapped your legs around Takami’s hips and squeezed as tightly as possible, leaving the pro hero no choice but to release himself inside you, hips bucking as his load emptied in rivets.  
“Ahh shit, y/n. I meant to pull out. I should’ve asked you first.” He sighed as he slowly removed himself from you. You both watched his fatigued member leave your orifice covered in the combination of juices. “Well normally when people order food here, they don’t end up balls deep in me so…” you retorted. Hawks chuckled, a dash of pink beginning to spread on his cheeks. “Well pro heroes don’t normally meet such gorgeous and smart-ass chicks working at fried chicken shops.” You rolled your eyes but couldn’t suppress a grin. You weren’t immune to his charm, and you were wondering what just transpired. Hawks searched for a clean towel and began to wipe you off, erasing evidence of the night’s events. “I guess I’ll see you around then,” you offered as you both began to redress yourselves. You hoped deeply you would see him again someday, even if it was just to order food. Hawks planted a soft kiss on your cheek, then asked “when’s your next day off, y/n?” You sighed lightly, “I actually have the next day off. Thank All Might, I’m exhausted.”
Hawks smiled, ruffled your hair, and replied “hope you’re not too exhausted. If you’ll allow me, I’d like to take you out on a proper date. I know this great little place that sells the best chicken.”  
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deans-baby-momma · 4 years ago
Wounded Hearts 6
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Nebraska  June 1997  Dean's POV
After Sam tells Dad how to kill the kitsune and I give him some pointers on how to talk to girls, Dad and I go to the bait and tackle shop on Main Street to see about getting some type of weapon to stab this thing through the heart with.  Of course we have to mislead the salesman and tell him some elaborate tale. 
Listening to Dad talk about a father/son fishing trip makes me wish it were true. That my father and I are taking off to some lake to relax and enjoy nature was fact and not just some conceived story so that questions won’t be raised when we ask about knives that can cut through flesh and bone. 
The man behind the counter doesn’t even bat an eye as he shows us his stock of hunting and fishing blades. I immediately set my eyes on a bowie knife with a distressed wooden handle and a nice shiny blade. 
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I can’t wait to sink it into the heart of the monster. Dad picks a much smaller but still just as deadly knife and after paying for them with a fake credit card, we head back to the motel to change. 
When Dad and I get back to the room, Sammy isn’t there. About the time I pull my phone out to call the pipsqueak he crashes through the door, out of breath. Dad is on him in an instant. 
“Where the hell you been boy?”
“I know where the kitsune is,” Sam says, out of breath. 
Dad and I jump into action and in no time at all, the three of us are in the car with Sammy giving directions from my usual place, shotgun.. 
We pull up to this cottage-style house and Sam tells us this is where he followed the monster to.
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“What were thinking son?” Dad says as we both produce bowie knives to take it out. “It could have noticed you and made you its next victim.”
“Nah,” Sam answers with a smile. “I’m a Winchester. I’m good at staying hidden.” I got to say, I’m proud of him. He not only found out what we were dealing with, but how to kill it and it’s lair. All while Dad and I have been running around oblivious. 
“Well, you stay here. Let Dean and I go in and deal with this animal,” Dad says and we both step out of the Impala. We hesitantly walk toward the house and Dad motions for me to get behind him.  
As we near the door, we both notice drops of blood trailing down the steps. I look up at Dad, wondering what we are going to be bursting in to. Did it bring a victim back here and is inside right this minute, draining them of their bodily fluids?
Dad reaches out and turns the knob and the door silently opens. Right there in the kitchen of the house is the body of a woman. But upon closer inspection, I can tell this isn’t just any woman. This is the kitsune, the monster we’ve been hunting. Her nails are long and darkened and her face is contorted. There is a definite knife wound through her torso; someone had already beat us to the punchline.
“Well, I guess our job has been done for us,” I say after Dad checks the rest of the house for any other people, victims or monsters.
“Only thing left to do is dispose of the body,” Dad tells me. “Look for salt, lots of salt. Like a canister of it. Then go to the car and get the gas can out of the trunk. Hurry Dean.”
I begin going through cabinets until I find a container clearly marked salt as Dad drags the body through the house and into the backyard. Getting the can from the car, Sammy and I follow behind to see him place her toward the end of the lawn and hand him the salt. 
After covering the deceased with the condiment and the gasoline, Dad pulls out a book of matches and tears one off. With a flick of his wrist, the match lights and he throws the burning stick onto the doused corpse and we watch as it goes up in flames.  
While the remains burn Dad looks perplexed. I know he is thinking the same thing I am. ‘Is there another hunter in town? Did they gank the bitch?’ 
“Sammy?” I say, getting my little brother’s attention. He is staring intently at the fire. “When you were following her, did you see anyone else doing the same? Anyone who looked like they were taking a special interest in this particular person?”
He just shakes his head and turns back to the blaze. I can’t blame him though, it’s good to see all your hard work be fulfilled. 
After burying what is left of the kitsune, we climb back into the car-me in shotgun and Sammy in the backseat- off to the next hunt.
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We’ve been on the roads for hours! The sun sat over the horizon and now the moon is high in the sky, lighting up the highway. Sammy is passed out in the backseat and I’m leaned up against the door with a jacket draped over my shoulders and chest. I’m so sleepy that my eyes are burning but I know if I succumb to it, I’ll just be tormented with dreams of her. 
Rebecca has visited me every night after I close my eyes. Dreams of her laughing at my corny jokes, hugging up to my side when she got scared during All Saints Day, to her eyes as I made love to her the day before Dad showed up to whisk us away again. Damn, I miss her! 
And it wasn’t just because she was the first girl I had been with intimately; no, I really think in those few hours getting to know her I had begun to fall for her. 
I desperately want to go back to Fairfax to see her again. And to find out what went wrong; why she ignored me the morning after we were together. 
About the time I am ready to just go to sleep and get it over with, Dad’s phone begins to ring. I straighten up and listen as he answers. Hearing one side of a conversation makes it hard to determine what is being said on the other end but from the way Dad is talking I have deduced that it’s Pastor Jim calling. Pastor Jim Murphy has been a friend of Dad’s for as long as I can remember. Dad had began leaving us in the pastor’s care after a spirit had almost taken Sammy’s life. But now I am old enough to protect my brother and we don’t go to his place that often anymore. In fact I don’t think we’ve seen the good pastor for at least a year.
I like Pastor Jim, I do and I appreciate all the times he watched us but he was too religious for my taste. For someone who has seen and fought the things he has, the man is still spiritual and believes in God and Heaven. I much preferred going to Uncle Bobby’s up in Sioux Falls. He had a junkyard full of old demolished cars and he let me have a hand at fixing any of them up. It was fun trying to figure out what made a vehicle run. And he let Sammy be a kid, running around and just playing; not worrying about what is out there that aim to do us harm.
Dad hangs up and pulls to the side of the road. When the car is stopped Dad looks at me. “You awake son?”
“Yea. What’s up Dad? That was Pastor Jim, right?”
“Jim is having a problem with an exorcism,” Dad explains. “Apparently the entity isn’t wanting to leave the body. He’s asked for my help. We’re right outside Blue Earth now. I want you to drop me off at Jim’s and then hightail it to Bobby’s.”
“Why?” I ask, confused to why Dad isn’t letting me go with him.
“Because Dean, I said so and that’s final. You understand?”
“Yes sir!”
After dropping Dad off at the end of Pastor Jim’s driveway, I climb behind the wheel of the Impala and drive off. Once I am far away enough that I know Dad won’t hear, I lay down on the throttle and soar down the deserted highway. 
“Oh Baby! Listen to you purr. One day you will be mine,” I promise with a smile. I have always loved this car and the power it held under its hood.
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Dad must have called Bobby because as I pull up, the cranky old man is sitting in one of the rockers on his porch, waiting. He helps me get Sammy into the house and into a bedroom upstairs before we congregate to the kitchen. Bobby reaches into the fridge, pulling out two beers. Popping the caps off of both of them, he hands me one that I eagerly accept. I love this man!
“So, John tells me you helped on this last hunt,” Bobby says after taking a swig. “A kit-kitsune?”
“Yea,” I answer, mimicking him and blanching at the bitter beverage, earning a chuckle from the older man. “A kitsune. Vile creature that thing was. They feed on brains to stay alive. This one though, it ain’t alive no more. It was ganked and salted and burned.”
“Good job, son.”
After we finish our drinks, Bobby tells me to head on up and get some sleep, Dad will be by tomorrow afternoon to pick us up. I climb the stairs to head to bed but I’m not going to sleep. I know what awaits me in my dreams and I don’t want to remember Rebecca Quentin just now. It still hurts too much. I miss her, yea but the memories are torture.
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